Spanish Ministry of Defense transfers us the sheets of Catalonia of the first photogrammetric flight of Spain
Spanish Ministry of Defense has transfer to the ICC the 3.600 photos for Catalonia of the first photogrammetric flight of Spain (serie A), which was carried out by the North American Air Force between 1945 and 1946.
Spanish Ministry of Defense has transfer to the ICC the 3.600 photos for Catalonia of the first photogrammetric flight of Spain (serie A), which was carried out by the North American Air Force between 1945 and 1946, So they are the oldest vertical aerial images of the peninsular territory, and so they have a great documental value.
The transfer was in the ICC headquarters, on February the 3rd, where the Minister of Defense, Carme Chacón, and the counselor of Territori i Sostenibilitat, Lluís Recorder, subscribed a protocol that allows attached agencies (CECAF and ICC) to share digitized photos corresponding to Catalonia and technical data available of the complete photogrammetric flight of Spain obtained with this American flight.
This transfer allows a complete reconstruction of the Catalan geography from 1945 (with the American flight) to nowadays (with images acquired thanks to the ICC airplanes).
With this files, the ICC will create a digital orthophotomap of Catalonia and then will deliver a copy to the CECAF. So, Catalonia is the first autonomous community doing this geographic reconstruction.
Moreover, from the signed protocol, the Ministry of Defense will have access to ICC works about this flight and other ones carried out in Catalonia.
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