Videos produced by the ICGC
API Territorial ICGC (2024). The ICGC Territorial API is an Application Programming Interface aimed at programmers, which allows obtaining detailed geographical information about different areas of the Catalan territory based on coordinates.
Catalunya Offline (2024). Catalunya Offline is a mobile application that allows you to explore the Catalan territory, mark points of interest and record your routes and excursions using GPS, even if there is no data coverage on your mobile device.
Connector QGIS Open ICGC (2024). Discover how to easily and quickly access ICGC geographic information with the QGIS Open ICGC Connector.
MAPICGC (2024). The MapICGC GL JS library enhances web mapping capabilities and provides an integrated solution for easy access to ICGC data. Based on MapLibre GL JS and open source, it allows you to create simple web viewers with access to ICGC's own products, such as historical satellite images, vector elements and hyper-realistic 3D models (3dTiles).
Instamaps (2020)
The 20 Instamaps tutorial videos aim to familiarize the novice user with the tool and answer any questions they may have. Each of the videos focuses on a specific use of the tool:
1. Introducció a Instamaps i mapes d’exemple. What the application is for, what it allows you to do and basic functions of the tabs.
2. Blog, preguntes freqüents sobre l’entrada i el registre. Describes what's on the blog, answers to frequently asked questions, and what to do to register.
3. Galeria d’usuari. Shows the repositories of maps created by users.
4. Fem i publiquem un mapa senzill. Explain, step by step, how to make a map with this tool.
5. Creació d’elements puntuals i lineals. A new element is added to the previous process showing how to place points, lines or polygons with Instamaps.
6. Creació de polígons i informació. Shows how to create polygon type geometries.
7. Fem un mapa a partir d’un arxiu de dades excel o csv. It explains how to work with the information contained in Excel files.
8. Geocodificació d’adreces. Shows how to map a file containing addresses.
9. Mapificar a partir de codis administratius diversos: municipis, comarques… Explains how to thematically classify, work or map information based on municipal codes.
10. Elaborar un mapa amb dades obertes de la Generalitat. How to make a map from a dataset, or open data set, of the Generalitat of Catalonia.
11. Elaborar un mapa d’arbres de Barcelona amb dades de Google Drive. How to work a tree map with data contained in Google Drive, dynamically.
12. Elaborar un mapa d’habitatges a partir de codis. Shows how to use geographic information contained or expressed in codes.
13. Generar un mapa d’estats del món a partir d’un arxiu de dades. New example of how to map information associated with codes.
14. Com visualitzar dades cridant només el visor en un enllaç. Explains how to make simple maps by calling only the viewer.
15. Com posar informació multimèdia a Instamaps. Shows how to make a sound map.
16. Operacions geomètriques: unió per columnes i centre geomètric. How to use two of the available geometric operations: union by columns and geometric center.
17. Operacions geomètriques: fusió de capes, àrea d'influència i punts dins polígons. How to work with different geometric operations available: layer fusion, area of influence and points within polygons.
18. Operacions geomètriques: filtres, intersecar i punts dins polígons. How to use three of the available geometric operations: filter, intersect, and points within polygons
19. Com convertir adreces a punts sobre el mapa: geocodificació. Explains the data normalization process so that it can be successfully geocoded and the quality indicators that Instamaps now provides for each point.
20. Elaborar un mapa d'arbres amb dades al Sharepoint. It describes how to create a tree map of the Barcelona Labyrinth with data from an Excel file located in the Microsoft Sharepoint cloud.
Music composed by Kristof Du Mon. Published for free in 2014 on CYAN Music under the terms of Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 | Voiceover (videos 1-15) by Àngels Bronsoms (Catalan).
International Cartographic Conference 2019 Tokyo (Japó) - International Cartographic Association
Video tutorials of applications developed by the ICGC so that the novice user becomes familiar with the tool and responds to any doubts that may arise:
Pintamaps (2019). Web tool based on Vector Tiles. It allows the user to stylize the world map according to their criteria and needs, to play with colors and transparencies that have been grouped into 12 levels (buildings, hydrography, etc.), to search for place names, to generate random styles, to obtain information associated with each map element, to download the world map or part of it, and the defined style in order to reuse it. In game mode place names disappear and users can exercise their knowledge of geographic names, which are shown moving the cursor, in both Catalan and official versions.
ContextMaps (2019). Web tool based on Vector Tiles that allows the user to stylize ICGC and OSM maps (base ContextMaps), the printing of a specific area on scale with the own stylization and the retrieval of web links in order to use the map with the customized style either in a viewer, or as a geoservice vector tile that, at the same time, includes information on the base and the style. It may include information by the user.
Relief and hill Shading (2019). Web tool that allows the user to determine, by painting in a spheremap, the areas that are facing a certain orientation, or with a certain slope. This tool allows the generation of complex shading that combine both aspects beyond the classic hill shading. The tool is based on Mapzen's Kinkade development, which works with a 2-meter digital model of the ICGC converted to NormalMap format, technology used to illuminate scenes in video game.
Music composed by Juan Pablo. Song: Long bridge (Published for free on 2015 on CYAN Music under the terms of Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0) | Locution of Tori Sparks.
Exposició "Mapes, país, futur: centenari de l'exposició cartogràfica catalana 1919" (2020). Video disclosure of the exhibition that commemorates the exhibition of the Centre Excursionista de Catalunya (CEC) of 1919. The exhibition d'enguany is held between 30.1.2020 and 13.09.2020 at the Museu d'Història de Catalunya (MHC) and is organized by the ICGC in collaboration between the CEC and the MHC.
Gaia · La Gran Mare (2016). 48' documentary about the origin, evolution and future of the Earth, focusing on the geological concepts and the role of life and humans. Facts and ideas are shown through illustrations and animations together with films made on places like museums and relevant landscapes. The threats to the sustainability of our planet are also exposed.
La mesura de la Terra (2014). This video gives an overview of the history of the measurement of the Earth, from the first representations in antiquity, when the world was deeply mysterious, until today, when mapping has been incorporated into everyday life. Subtitles are available in Catalan, Spanish and English.
Support in the event of natural phenomena
Temps al temps - Allaus (2018). It explains how the snow cover evolves and why avalanches occur, which areas of Catalonia have the highest activity and what tools we have available to protect ourselves. The video highlights the importance of informing yourself with the Avalanche Danger Bulletin before going out into the mountains, planning the excursion itinerary and being well equipped and with the appropriate safety material (v.o. Catalan).
Temps al temps - Monitoratge de la costa (2018). It shows the effects that coastal storms produce in this environment and the modification, in some cases severe, that the coastline suffers. To manage these phenomena, the storm prediction models developed by METEOCAT are necessary, on the one hand, and cartographic and geological information (coastline, volumes of displaced sand, high-resolution photographs, multispectral images, etc.) on the other. terrain models, etc.) that the ICGC continuously prepares from its periodic flights (v.o. Catalan).
Temps al temps - Les inundacions i els moviments de vessant (2018). It shows the areas of the territory that may be affected by these phenomena and how the ICGC studies them. The main lines of action are: the documentation of the events, the evaluation of their dangerousness and the support to Civil Protection to guarantee the safety of both the population and the intervention groups in risk situations (v.o. Catalan).
Vídeos d'allaus (recull). Avalanche danger, risk study, start of season, nivological summary and avalanche activities...
Vídeos de riscos geològics (recull). Avalanches, coast, floods and landslides, mass movements, earthquakes...
About the activities of the ICGC
These videos show citizens the main cartographic activities carried out by the ICGC:
The ICC (2011). Introduction to the activities carried out by the Institute and their impact on the citizens.
Cartography (2011). It shows how the ICGC creates a wide variety of cartographic products, such as topographic, thematic, and atlases, from the topographic bases.
Catalan cartography (2012). History about Catalan cartography from the ancient World to the creation of the ICC.
Digital map library (2024). Do you want to know what you can find in the Digital Map Library? This tutorial will take you on a tour of its different sections and services so that you can get the most out of it.
Geodesy (2011). It shows the commitment between the shape and the measurement of the Earth, and the aim of the cartographic representation of the planet.
Geological hazards - Video compilation. Avalanches, coast, floods and landslides, measuring ground movement, earthquakes...
Map Library (2011). It shows the ICGC's documentation center, where all the cartographic production of the Institute is collected, as well as maps and books from the 15th century to the present.
Primary data capture (2011). Sensors for primary data capture and their attributes are introduced. Primary data capture is the first step in the ICGC workflow for cartographic production.
Remote sensing (2011). Explanation of the main sensors used for remote sensing. Studies and projects carried out by the ICGC are also commented.
Soils (2021). Virtual visit to the Pyrenees Soil Interpretation Center. One of the most relevant activities that I have developed is the elaboration and exhibition of a collection of solid monoliths.
Territorial delimitation: analyzing, agreeing and defining (2024). In this video, we will take you into the world of territorial delimitation at the municipal level in Catalonia. Join us as we explore the processes and methodologies used to analyze, agree and define municipal boundaries.
Topographic bases (2011): It describes the methods to represent, with accuracy, the planimetry and altimetry of terrestrial objects.
Toponymy (2011). The task of locating place names on maps and the process to make them official are showed in this video.
The ambition of measure
Interviews including the testimony of 6 agents who have played a decisive role in the geoinformation of Catalonia in the 20th and 21st centuries:
- Albert Serratosa i Palet
- Ernest Maragall i Mira
- Joan Antoni Solans i Huguet
- Josep Maria Carreras i Puigdengolas
- Josep Maria Carreras i Quilis
- Rodolfo Núñez de las Cuevas
Other videos
Jornada "Espaigea 2024: Entre xiruques i els mitjans de comunicació de masses" (2024). At this meeting, we will talk about the different geology outreach activities that are being carried out.
Jornada en línia. Presentació del llibre "Els mapamundis baixmedievals" (2024): The book "Middle medieval world maps: from the birth of the hybrid world map to the decline of the portolà world map" by the historian Ramon J. Pujades is the result of rigorous scientific work on medieval world maps after 1300, with the support of the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia (ICGC). This book continues in the wake of its predecessor, "Portolan cards: the representation of a furrowed sea", published in 2007.
Jornada en línia. Sistemes de gestió actius geotècnics: metodologies i experiències (2024): We call geotechnical assets those components of transport infrastructure in which the terrain plays a main role and its dysfunctions can entail a risk for them. This conference is focused on the management vision: from the shared needs of the titular public organizations in search of sector solutions.
Jornada en línia. Presentació del llibre "Atraure, descobrir i entendre!" (2023): The presentation is made within the framework of the International Geodiversity Day where the objective of this monograph is to provide some guiding indications, so that people and work teams can use them when planning, designing and managing the informative signage of the geological heritage.
Jornades en línia. Jornades de patrimoni Gràfic a l'ICGC (2023): The First Conference on Graphic Heritage is jointly organized by the Library of Catalonia, the National Art Museum of Catalonia and the ICGC. These three public institutions preserve and give access to their graphic collections, made up of different types of documentation (drawings, engravings, prints, posters, maps...), which constitute a singular and relevant testimony of history, culture and artistic manifestations of Catalonia.
Jornada Espaigea. Els Geoparcs Mundials de la UNESCO de Catalunya: Una altra forma de divulgar la Geologia (2023): On this day, and coinciding with Earth Day, we want to talk about the UNESCO World Geoparks of Catalonia as spaces to disseminate geology of a territory.
Jornada en línia UNION Technology Workshopo & Demonstration (2023): Conference and demonstration at the ICGC, where Rokubun the ICGC present the UNION project, the technology developed and the results obtained. The workshop will be followed by a demonstration for the case of car navigation and for LBS (Location Based Services), showing the results of the project and the benefits of using it as a precise navigation tool.
Presentació del llibre i de l'exposició "GEAS. Dones que estudien la Terra" (2023): Joint initiative promoted by the ICGC, the Spanish Association for the Teaching of Earth Sciences, the Institut de Recerca Geociències Barcelona, the Women Commission i Geology of the Geological Society of Spain, the Geological and Mining Institute of Spain, the Ibero-American Association of Geology and Mining Services, the European Federation of Geology and the ENGIE project. Presentació de GEAS en el marc del Dia Internacional de la Dona i la Nena en la Ciència (11F) (català).
Jornada "Experiències del grup de Cartoteques públiques hispano-luses Ibercarto l'any 2021" (2022): The Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia organized in virtual format the day of experiences of the Ibercato Group of Spanish-Lusian public card libraries under the title: Visibilidad de las cartotecas en tiempos de pandemia.
Presentació del llibre "Vistes panoràmiques, cartes militars i plànols urbanístics a Barcelona del segle XVI al XIX" (2021): Co-organized by the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia and the Historical Archive of the City of Barcelona on February 18, 2021 (Catalan).
BIM+SIG=GeoBIM. El paper de la digitalització territorial en l’Administració Pública (2021): Contributions of the speakers to the BIM + GIS = GeoBIM Conference, which has a presentation by the director of the ICGC (Catalan).
app PGOM Pirineus Geological Open Museum (2020): Informative video of the audio guide of the permanent geology exhibition located in the urban center of Tremp (catalan).
Toponymy in cartography (2012): Disseminates the knowledge about toponymy in the United Nations.
El mapa municipal de Catalunya (2010): Informative video of the tasks involved in the municipal delimitation of Catalonia.