ICGC Territorial API
Get extensive information on a location in the territory of Catalonia
The Territorial API of the ICGC allows you to obtain extensive geographical information for a certain point in our territory.
We often need to know information relating to a specific point. For example, a citizen may want to know to which address a point on the map corresponds; a forest engineer, within which municipality a specific place of the forest is located to request a permit from the town hall; the Mossos d'esquadra may want to know within which Basic Police Area there was a certain accident...
The Territorial API allows us all this and more.
The tool's demo viewer will help you understand all its possibilities.
The potential of the territorial API goes beyond the viewer. An API is an Application Programming Interface. It is a program aimed at programmers, which provides the possibility of consuming this information for your applications, such as a web application or a local application.
The Territorial API is a REST type API. REST stands for Representational State Transfer and is an architectural style that uses simple methods, which name criteria, so that the programs are communicated.
Information requests can be personalized, that is, they can be used to customize the information that is available to them. It is possible to select a specific service, various services (separated by commas) or to access all the available information (with the "all" option).
It is also possible to choose the type of coordinates that will be used for the query. There are two main options: /geo/, which uses latitude and longitude scales with traditional maps, and /utm/ (Universal Transverse Mercator), on which the official reference system for Catalonia is based (UTM 31N ETRS89).
Furthermore, the ICGC Territorial API uses an Internet security protocol (HTTPS protocol). This means that queries are made securely over the Internet.