Imatge Explore Catalonia VISSIR viewer Earthquakes Earthquakes and seismic information Avalanches Check the avalanche danger and information about snow e-Shop Topographic map 1:250,000 14th edition | Protected Natural Areas - Regional Capitals 3rd edition: sheets 6 and 10 The Autonomous University of Barcelona and the ICGC organize the new edition of the Master's Degree in Geoinformation Images from the ‘Menut’ satellite mission are openly available to everyone Explore Catalonia VISSIR viewer Earthquakes Earthquakes and seismic information Avalanches Check the avalanche danger and information about snow e-Shop Topographic map 1:250,000 14th edition | Protected Natural Areas - Regional Capitals 3rd edition: sheets 6 and 10 The Autonomous University of Barcelona and the ICGC organize the new edition of the Master's Degree in Geoinformation Images from the ‘Menut’ satellite mission are openly available to everyone Geoinformation and maps Base Map Service Territorial Topographic Reference Territorial LiDAR Territorial Orthophoto Land covers Administrative boundaries Online services (Geoservices) Aerial and satellite images Municipal maps Official nomenclature More situations Tools and viewers Menut satellite images ICGC Territorial API Catalunya Offline Connector QGIS Open ICGC ContextMaps ICGC Geocoder Geoindex Instamaps VISSIR Download viewer More situations Related topics We are ICGC Earthquakes Avalanches e-Shop Catalan Integrated Geodetic Positioning Service Earth observation Sustainable territory Territory management