Geological risks | icgc

Geological risks

Evaluation, prevention and action in geological risks

Basic knowledge, geological risks in Catalonia, phenomena related to external geodynamics and advice on self-protection

LLISCAT is the database of landslides

Database of landslides (LLISCAT)

Mechanisms for monitoring the evolution of the coast

Coastline - Dynamics of the coast

Map of geological risks prevention 1:25,000, Map of areas of avalanches 1:25,000

Geological risks cartography

Mapa per a la prevenció dels riscos geològics i estudis de perillositat de zones avaluades amb dictàmens preliminars de riscos geològics

Geoíndex - Riscos geològics

Sentinel 1 provides Synthetic Aperture Radar images that allow us to monitor surface movements with millimeter precision

Ground movement measurement service

Workshops and publications