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Geothermal exploration and optimization through direct modeling and resource development


A Geological Service for Europe #GSEU

A Geological Service for Europe. GSEU

Pyrenean Landslide Warning Strategy 


To provide the capacity to avoid collapse in the face of extreme wildfires by identifying, developing and deploying innovative

FIRE-RES: Fire-resistant territories

Paving the way for flexible geothermal energy systems with reversible ORC systems, advanced control, and novel system designs

Sistemes geotèrmics flexibles

Tools for the modeling and evaluation of district heating and cooling networks based on geothermal energy and other renewable sources


L'ICGC aporta en iniciatives i programes d’observació de la Terra en petits satèl·lits

NEWSPACE: Geoinformació i nova economía de l’espai

Towards a climate resilient cross-border mountain community in the Pyrenees


Space CARBon Observatory's solution to improve monitoring of GHG emissions and help establishing reliable data for emission trends forecasts

SCARBOn project

Soils of the Pyrenees. Get to know them to protect them


Enfortir la resiliència dels ecosistemes vinculats amb les aigües termals