Towards a climate resilient cross-border mountain community in the Pyrenees

Mountain territories are areas with enormous biodiversity and a base of important ecosystem services, but it is observed that in these spaces the average annual temperature increases above the average and important changes associated with global climate change have been identified. Climate change (CC) has a major impact on biophysical and socioeconomic systems such as flora, fauna, water resources, energy, tourism and agropastoralism (OPCC report 2018).


Protected areas of the Pyrenees

Protected areas of the Pyrenees (Source: EPiCC 2021, adapted from EIONET 2021).

The project "Towards a climate resilient cross-border mountain community in the Pyrenees", will support the first European climate change strategy for a mountain and cross-border bioregion (EPiCC), and will implement actions to fight against the impacts of CC. The 7 member territories of the Working Community of the Pyrenees (CTP) have committed to cooperate for the implementation of the strategy and are an active part in this proposal, also acting as partners in Individual title.

This project provides a medium-term vision necessary to address the impacts of climate change, and will become a true accelerator of climate action policies in the Pyrenees, giving continuity to the key points identified in the EPICC strategy itself.


PYRENEES4CLIMA at a glance

  • Title: "Towards a climate resilient cross-border mountain community in the Pyrenees. P4CLIMA".
  • Total budget: 19.829.877,72 €.
  • Fund: 11.897.926,60 € (60%).
  • ICGC budget: 181.798,35 €.
  • ICGC funding: € 107,079.01 (60%).
  • Start date: January 2023.
  • Expected end date: 2025.
  • Consortium: 48 European partners and 7 associated partners.
  • Coordination: CTP-OPCC.
  • Web: under construction.
  • Programme: Funded by the EC's LIFE programme on climate change in the Pyrenees.
  • Reference: LIFE22-IPC-ES-LIFE PYRENEES4CLIMA, 101104957.


Expected results

The project aims to develop innovative solutions for:

  • Improve the resilience of the Pyrenees to climate change as a substantial element to also enhance resilience in territories connected to or dependent on ecosystem services.
  • Catalyze demonstrative actions of resilience to climate change in mountain areas in the 5 systems identified.
  • Strengthen the implementation of European policies, the national climate policies of Spain, France and Andorra and regional climate strategies in the Pyrenees through territorial cooperation.




Planned activities

  • Facilitate the initialization of activities in the first period (2023 – 2030) and catalyze the execution of actions in the following periods (2031-2040 and 2041-2050).
  • Promote the integration of the EPiCC Strategy in territorial planning activities and analyze the effects of its complementarity.
    • Include the adaptation of the mountain in territorial planning.
    • Integrate the CC policy in other sectoral policies at the Pyrenean level (i.e. Biodiversity, Soil, Primary Sector, Depopulation, Tourism, Water Management, Forest Management).
    • Implement a series of actions (good practices, demonstration and pilot) in 5 systems or pilot areas (Climate, Natural Spaces, Mountain Economy, Population/Territory and Governance) aimed at:
      • Climate
      • Resilient natural areas
      • Adapted mountain economy
      • Population and territory
      • Governance.


Structure of WPs and their phased distribution

Structure of WPs and their phased distribution.


The ICGC participates in WP 3. Resilient natural spaces: Innovation in observation networks to reduce vulnerabilities. More specifically, it will develop remote sensing and soil study tasks in the following activities:

  • 3.1. Innovation in Observation Networks: Hydrosphere, Cryosphere and Atmosphere.
    • 3.1.5. Soils: A new system for monitoring carbon storage of mid-mountain agrarian.
  • .3.2. Innovation in Observation Networks: Biosphere.
    • 3.2.2. Land cover and land use changes at a Pyrenean scale.
  • 6.4. Generation of informative and state-of-the-art reports on scientific knowledge on a Pyrenean scale.
    • 6.4.1. Quadrennial report on the scientific evidence of the impacts and risks of climate change in the Pyrenees: knowledge bases and recommendations.
    • 6.4.2. Annual Report: Pyrenean Climate Bulletin, Coordination of data collection and analysis, based on the indicators calculated for each sector, layout and dissemination. of Climate Change Indicators of the Pyrenees.
  • 6.5. Generation of the Integrated Climate Action Resource Platform PYRADAPT.
    • 6.5.1. Publication and maintenance of an Integrated Resource Platform for Climate Action for the Pyrenees PYRADAPT.
    • 6.5.2. Search for synergies with regional, national and international CC platforms, in adaptation BBPP, WMS services, mapping.


Funded by:

EU Life
This project has been funded by the EU  LIFE  programme (Call: LIFE-2022-STRAT-CLIMA-SIP-two-stage - Strategic Integrated Projects - Climate Action).