SPIRAL | icgc


Pyrenean Landslide Warning Strategy 


The orographic and climatic conditions of the Pyrenees make slope movements one of the natural phenomena that, in addition to affecting the health and well-being of its inhabitants, causes greater economic losses in the region, mainly due to cuts in communication networks, damage to homes and equipment. Climate change projects scenarios of greater frequency of extreme weather events such as storms, droughts, floods and forest fires that favor the formation of regional episodes of landslides and the reactivation of large landslides.

Block fallen in the 2023 Barruera landslide.

Block fallen in the 2023 Barruera landslide.


The objective/challenge

The challenge of the SPIRAL project (Pyrenean Landslide Warning Strategy) is to reduce the effects of landslides by adopting a common cross-border protection strategy that improves their forecast and prevention, and emergency preparedness. The achievement of this challenge requires a multi-scale approach (regional and local) based on knowledge.

The solution

The project is based on the development of a warning service with action protocols that anticipates where and when landslides may occur and how to proceed in case of activation. The warnings will integrate the cartography and characteristics of the terrain, the meteorological forecast and the degree of activity of the movements (with in situ instrumentation and satellite observations). This strategy should improve the resilience of the whole territory against these catastrophes by issuing warnings to civil protection (regional approach) and specific places (local approach) benefiting the whole population.

The consortium

An expert consortium has been formed in the characterization and management of slope movements that includes 3 geological services of Andorra, France and Spain (AR+I, BRGM and ICGC), a research body on risk (CEREMA) and a university (UNIZAR) specialized in geoprocess dynamics and climate change, as well as agents and managers of mobility and civil protection of France and Spain as associates.


SPIRAL at a glance

  • Title: " eStrategia PIRenaica de Avisos por movimientos de Ladera. SPIRAL".
  • Total budget: 1.612.216,46 €.
  • Funding: 1.019.065,10€ (65%).
  • ICGC budget: 438.672,50 €.
  • ICGC funding: 285.137,12€ (65%).
  • Start date: January 1, 2024.
  • Expected completion date: December 31, 2026.
  • Consortium:  5 partners from Spain, France and Andorra.
  • Coordination: ICGC.
  • Web: under construction.
  • Program: Funded by the Interreg-POCTEFA 2021-2027.
  • Reference: EFA039/01.


Project structure

The project is divided into 4 actions (2 administrative actions and 2 technical actions) that complement each other.

  • A1. Management.
  • A2. Communication.
  • A3. Regional forecast of slope movements.
  • A4. Risk assessment of slope movements and action protocols at local level.
Scheme of the relationship between the technical actions of the project

Scheme of the relationship between the technical actions of the project.


Expected results

The SPIRAL project will contribute to adaptation to climate change with an emphasis on prevention and the ability to act against slope movements. SPIRAL's results are aimed at increasing prediction capacity and developing an early warning system that allows action to be taken before the event and reduces economic and human losses. Its results can also be applied to issues such as the effect of forest fires and the influence of the rainfall regime on the determination of erosive phenomena.


Funded by


This project has been co-financed 65% by the European Union through the Interreg VI-A Spain-France-Andorra Program (POCTEFA 2021-2027). The objective of POCTEFA is to strengthen the economic and social integration of the Spain-France-Andorra border area.