SOLPYR | icgc


Soils of the Pyrenees. Get to know them to protect them

Archive image of a hiker

Archive image of a hiker

The consequences of climate change are directly affecting the health of soils, especially mountain soils. The increase in temperatures is responsible for a decrease in the snowpack in the Pyrenees, which favours greater exposure of the soils in relation to mountain uses. The increased pressure related to mountain sports and activities susceptible to altering soil functions is evident, and it is known that mountain soils are generally underdeveloped and very vulnerable (erosion, compaction and loss of organic carbon).

The SOLPYR project focuses on the vulnerability of mountain soils in relation to climate change and the consequence of mountain uses in this context. The Soil Alliance of the Pyrenees (ASPIR) has carried out an initial task of detecting priorities for action that can be grouped into three main areas: the unification of soil information, the prevention of soil degradation and the awareness of the population and mountain users towards soil degradation.

The project aims to provide unified information on mountain soils on a Pyrenean scale as well as a catalogue of the main types of soils and their vulnerability, define a series of good practices for their protection, and create pedagogical resources for raising awareness of the population and mountain users for soil conservation, as well as involving them through participatory science actions.


Areas of action of the SOLPYR project

Example of an approach to the different areas of action of the SOLPYR project, which will work in defined pilot areas and will use the trails as an axis of action.


SOLPYR at a glance

  • Title: “Suelos del Pirineo. Conocerlos para protegerlos. SOLPYR”
  • Total budget: 1.795.513,20 €.
  • Fund: € (65%).
  • ICGC budget: 348.191,88 €.
  • ICGC funding: 226.324,72 € (65%).
  • Start date: January 2024.
  • Expected end date: December 2026
  • Consortium: 9 partners form Spain, France and Andorra.
  • Coordinator: ICGC.
  • Web:
  • Program: Funded by the Interreg-POCTEFA 2021-2027.
  • Reference: EFA045/01.


Expected results

The project aims to promote the protection and conservation of mountain soils, through the application of tools such as soil mapping, degradation and vulnerability analysis and awareness of the population and the main management agents.

The expected results are the following:

  • A cartography of the soils of the Pyrenees at a scale of 1:400.000 from a common methodology of cartographic criteria.
  • An inventory of the vulnerability of soils in defined pilot areas that will go hand in hand with a collection of methodologies and good practices for the conservation of mountain soils.
  • An approach of the population to the knowledge of the soils and an awareness and sensitization about the fragility of this natural resource and the importance of protecting it.

In order to meet the challenges posed, the project plans to develop a Cross-border Action Plan for the soils of the Pyrenees. This will be a tool that sets out the priorities and bases for the protection of the soils of the Pyrenees and will allow the European Union strategy for soil protection to be met for 2030.

The actions of the project are structured in 3 technical pillars that feed each other and that are executed under the transversal umbrella of governance, a fundamental pillar for the transmission of the results to local, national and international land management bodies.

Estructura del projecte i detall de les accions

Estructura del projecte i detall de les accions.


Funded by:

Interreg OCTEFA

This project has been co-financed 65% by the European Union through the Interreg VI-A Spain-France-Andorra Program (POCTEFA 2021-2027). The objective of POCTEFA is to strengthen the economic and social integration of the Spain-France-Andorra border area.