Geological atlas of Catalonia | icgc

Geological atlas of Catalonia

Brief collection of Atlas material: presentation, maps, cuts, lithological types, geological history, geological time, vocabularies...

The "Atles geològic de Catalunya" brings together knowledge about the geological constitution of the territory to society

In a geological map the geological elements are represented, conveniently symbolized

Graphical representation, in a vertical plane, of the interpretation of the disposition of the materials in the subsurface

In order to illustrate the great variety of lithologic types that crop out in Catalonia, a series of pictures of the main types of rocks are presented

From the oldest remains until our era

Paleogeografia de Catalunya dels darrers 120 milions d'anys, des del Cretaci superior fins a l'actualitat

Graphic sample of the succession of geological events registered in Catalonia

The geological timechart is the frame in which the history of the Earth is inscribed

Geological terms of the legend of the cartographic units and conventional symbols of the "Geological Map of Catalonia 1: 50,000" (Catalan)

Geological timechart and graphical representation of the timechart with an indication of its meaning or etymology