Map Library of Catalonia
Phone: (+34) 93 567 15 00 ext. 3372
Address: Parc de Montjuïc. 08038 Barcelona
It is required an appointment to use the Maps Reading room. You can continue sending your inquiries to the email and consult the Digital Map Library.
Operation of the service in the Reading Room
- The schedule of the Reading Room is from 9 am to 2 pm. from Monday to Friday only by appointment (Easter, August and Christmas closed).
- You can book an appointment by email at only by appointment.
- Capacity will be limited.
- The users must present themselves at the entrance of the ICGC building on the day and time assigned to them, following the access protocols established by the ICGC for external staff. Within the ICGC premises, the user must be accompanied by staff from the Map Library all the time they are outside the Reading Room.
- There is no external loan or reprographics service. Users will be able to take photographs of the documents consulted.
- Users must use their personal computers. Only exceptionally, will it be possible to use the computers in the Reading Room.
The Map Library of Catalonia offers the following services:
- Search: The public can look up documents at the Map Library.
- Lending service: The Map Library does not have an external lending service.
- Reproductions:
- Any reproduction of material is subject to conditions of use.
- If the image you need is in the digital collections, you can download it directly using the toolbar above the images (300 dpi JPG files), otherwise you can request it by sending an e-mail to with your name and surname, telephone number and the register number of the material you need.
- For document supply services and interlibrary loans, please send an e-mail to
Conferences organized by the Map Library of Catalonia
- Proyectos cartográficos transfrontereros: pasado y presente. Una actividad de la exposición de mapas de la Cataluña del Norte del 1719 - 2021.
- IBERCARTO Jornada de experiencias - 2021 (virtual).
- 8º Simposio Iberoamericano de Historia de la Cartografía - 2020 (virtual).
- IV Jornadas de historia de la cartografía de Barcelona - 2018.
- VII Ibercarto - 2016.
- 3as Jornadas de historia de la cartografía de Barcelona - 2015.
- IV Workshop Internacional de cartografía Ibérica - 2015.
- 18a conferencia LIBER - 2012.
- 2as Jornadas de historia de la cartografía de Barcelona - 2012.
- 1as Jornadas de historia de la cartografía de Barcelona - 2010.
- Cartografía y agrimensura en Cataluña y Baleares - 2010.
- Cartografía catastral de España (siglos XVIII-XX) - 2005.