Glossary of geological terms | icgc

Glossary of geological terms

Geological terms of the legend of the cartographic units and conventional symbols of the "Geological Map of Catalonia 1: 50,000" (Catalan)

The vocabulary of the legend of cartographic units and conventional symbols collects the geological terms, or that are used in a specific sense in geology, which appear in the legend of the cartographic units and conventional symbols of the Geological map of Catalonia 1:50 000. For its elaboration, homogenous writing standards have been established. Many definitions derive directly from the available dictionaries (see the list of sources on this page) and others have been written specifically for this work, always looking for the simplest and most understandable explanation. The definitions have been organized in such a way that in the first place it is indicated what each term or expression refers to: rock, fossil, mineral, deposit, structure, etc.
Each term has been classified according to geological concepts indicated with the abbreviations listed below. From this classification we have tried to write the definitions with some criteria and common contents for each group, that is, we do not use a vocabulary addressed exclusively to the scientific world, but it consists in explaining the terms in a basic and comprehensible way. In this version the description is only done in Catalan and the entries are added in Spanish and English

Glossary of the legend of cartographic units and conventional symbols (Catalan)


Types of terms

Geological content


Abr: abreviature
Adj: adjetive
Adj F: female adjetive
Adj M: male adjetive
NF: female name
NM: male name
Pl: plural
Pref: prefix
Suf: sufix
Verb: verb
Ant: antonymous
Sin: synonymous
Equiv: equivalent
EN: english
ES: spanish

Amb.: environment
Carst.: karst
Color: colour
Comp.: component
Comp./Roca: component/rock
Cont.: contact
Dip.: deposit
Edaf.: pedology
Emp.: location
Erosió: erosion
Est.: structure
Estra.: stratigraphy
Evap.: evaporite
Fluv.: fluvial
Foram.: foraminifera
Foss.: fossil
Geom.: geomorphology
Glac.: glacial
Hidrot.: hydrotermal
Igni: igneous
Igni/Met.: igneous/metamorphic
Intr.: intrusive
Intr./Met.: intrusive/metamorphic
Intr./Volc.: intrusive/volcanic
Lito.: lithology
Lito./Petro.: lithology/petrology
Macro.: macrofossil
Met.: metamorfism
Micro.: microfossil
Min.: mineral
Morf.: morphology
Petro.: petrology
Proc.: process
Quim.: chemism
Roca: rock
Sed.: sediment
Sed./Igni: sedimentary/igneous
Sed./Volc: sedimentary/volcanic
Tect.: tectonics
Text.: texture
Volc.: volcanic
Volc./Sed.: volcanic/sedimentary

BGS: British Geological Survey.
DdG: Diccionari de geologia. Riba, 1997.
DIEC: Diccionari de la llengua catalana. IEC, 2007.
GG: Glossary of Geology. Neuendorf et al., 2005.
IGC: Institut Geològic de Catalunya.
LGEF: La gran enciclopedia de los fósiles. Turek et al., 1988.
LIDG: Longman Illustrated Dictionary of Geology. Watt, 1982.
LR: Les roques, introducció a la petrologia. Inglès et al., 1986.
MCYL: La minería en Castilla y León. SIEMCALSA, 2007.
PDG: Penguin Dictionary of Geology. Kearey, 1996.
PGI: Procesos geológicos internos. Anguita i Moreno, 1991.
USGS: United States Geological Survey.
Mod: Modified.