Geoindex - 3D Viewer of geological resources
View and download of 3D data generated in the field of geological resources
The ICGC Geoindex - 3D Geological Resorces Viewer allows the consultation and download of 3D data generated by the ICGC in the field of geological resources.
This viewer has been developed by GiGa infosystems GmbH i and it is supported by GST service (Geosciences in Space and Time). It is recommended to use a web browser capable of displaying WebGL contents such as Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Brave, Opera or Safari.
The information contained in the viewer can be viewed easily and quickly in two environments that are activated and deactivated through the top menu of the application:
- Interface 3D, the information is displayed in three dimensions. The user can select the orientation of the view, change the vertical scale and the rendering color of each layer, generate sections, query the model and download the data.
- Interface 2D, the extent of each layer is displayed in a plan view and it is possible to generate vertical (or inclined) boreholes and sections at any location within the model domain.
Currently, May 2023, the Geological Resources 3D Viewer contains the following models:
- 3D aquifer model of the Port del Comte area (v1.0, December 2024), developed within the framework of the assessment of groundwater resources available in Catalonia.
3D model containing the main geological surfaces and structures, the topographic surface of the project area, the location of the main karst springs and the volumes of saturated rock of the water reservoirs associated with each of these springs determined by applying the KARSYS method Malard et al. (2012) and Jeannin et al. (2013).
- 3D aquifer model of the urban area of Girona and Salt and surrounding municipalities (v1.0, May 2022), developed within the framework of the GeoERA MUSE project.
Geothermal 3D model of the Empordà basin, developed within the framework of the GeoERA HotLime project (Mapping and Assessment of Geothermal Plays in Deep Carbonate Rocks – Cross-domain Implications and Impacts, 2018-2021). More specifically, this model contains the lithological units, the main geological structures, the geothermal model with the 3D distribution of the temperature and the geothermal potential of the Girona limestone aquifer, the location of the exploration drillings and the topographic surface of the area.
- 3D geothermal model of the Empordà basin (v1.0, July 2022), developed within the framework of the GeoERA HotLIME project.
Geothermal 3D model of the Fossa de l’Empordà, developed within the framework of the GeoERA HotLime project (Mapping and Assessment of Geothermal Plays in Deep Carbonate Rocks – Cross-domain Implications and Impacts, 2018-2021). More specifically, this model contains the lithological units, the main geological structures, the geothermal model with the 3D distribution of the temperature and geothermal potential of the Girona calcareous aquifer, the location of the exploration drillings and the topographic surface of the area of the project.
- Model of 3D geological surfaces of Catalonia (v1.0, Abril 2023), developed within the framework of the 3D Catalunya poroject.
3D model of geological surfaces that contains the main stratigraphic horizons and geological structures of Catalonia, the location of the main exploration drillings and the topographic and bathymetric surfaces of the modeled area.
- 3D geothermal model of the Fossa del Camp (v1.0, July 2023): This model is part of the modeling project of the geothermal potential of the Fossa del Camp area developed as part of the Project global Deep Geothermal (GeoEnergia-GP) of the ICGC.
The geological modeling has been carried out with the support of a geophysical data inversion process and includes the lithological units and the main geological structures along with the location of the Reus-1 exploration well and the topographic surface of the scope of the project. Geothermal modeling includes the calculated 3D distribution of temperature and energy contained in the form of heat according to the USGS "Heat-in-Place (HIP)" (Muffler and Cataldi, 1978) using the 3DHIP-Calculator tool (Piris et al., 2020) of several Mesozoic aquifers. The results have made it possible to evaluate the theoretical potential of the main geological formations.

Status of the process of creating 3D models of geological resources in Catalonia. On the left are the 3D models based on their potential use. On the right, the state of preparation of each one of them (December 2024).

Full-window 3D geological resource viewer. Example of exploitation with generation of virtual perforation and definition of cutting line and cross section generated by the viewer in the 2D environment..
Data display and format
- ICGC (2020). 3D geothermal model of Girona-Salt urban area (NE Catalonia). Version 2.0. Technical reports from the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia, ICGC.TR-0001/20, 22 p., Government of Catalonia [2 MB].
- Muffler, P.; Cataldi, R. (1978). Methods for regional assessment of geothermal resources. Geothermics, 7, 53–89.
- Piris, G.; Herms, I.; Griera, A.; Gómez-Rivas, E.; Colomer, M. (2020). 3DHIP-Calculator (v1.1) [Software]. Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. CC-BY 4.0.