About the Library | icgc

About the Library


In the Library of the Map Library of Catalonia it is possible to find old and modern books related mainly with issues about cartographic production, history of the cartography, different monographies and a complete collection of all kind of atlases. It is complemented with an archive also related to these thematic areas.

It contains some private libraries, specially rich in territorial contents as the following:

  • Josep M. Puchades' library (1913-1982), which includes a part of the geographer Pau Vila's library (1881-1980).
  • Gonzalo de Reparaz' library (1901-1982) with books about geography and history of Catalonia and Peru.
  • Josep M. Domènech's library, that includes an important collection of books about geography and history of Catalonia, above all about local areas.
  • Isidre Carné's travel library.
  • Montblanc publisher's library.
  • Engineer Albert Serratosa's library.
  • Others.