The zone damaged by the earthquake of the February 24 with Mw=6.5 was visited from the 4 to the 9 of March with the following purposes:
Recording aftershocks of strong magnitude in the zone near the event,
Making measurements of noise to characterize the fundamental period of the soils and analyze its possible relation with the observed damages,
Observing and analyzing the most significant damages,
Investigating the existence on surface ruptures.
The visit was financed by the Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya (ICC) of the Generalitat de Catalunya. The expedition was composed by researchers of ICC, of Centre de Recerca en Ciencies de la Terra (CRECIT) de l'Institut d'Estudis Andorrans (IEA), of Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) and of RSE, Aplicaciones Territoriales, S.A.nd had the support and collaboration of the Mediterranean European Institut from Barcelona, CRECIT from Andorra, UPC from Barcelona, "Service de Physique du Globe de Rabat", the Spanish diplomatic representations in Morocco, and diplomatic representations of both Andorra and Morocco in Spain.
Asbai ElHassan, PhD student at UPC.
Marta González, Geologist, specialist in seismic engineering at the CRECIT.
Antoni Marcé, Electronic technician at RSE at Aplicaciones Territoriales S.A.
Xavier Goula, PhD on Physics and Head of Seismology at the ICC.