Recorded earthquakes | icgc

Recorded earthquakes

Earthquakes recorded by the Catalan seismic network


The hypocentral determinations and magnitudes of local earthquakes (40.17º N - 43.34º N / 0.33º W - 4.00º E) have been calculated from measurements made on the signals received at the ICGC in real time, both from own stations and from other institutions. Since 1984, the Seismological bulletin, is yearly elaborated, in which the locations are reviewed and complemented with phase readings from other agencies that are not received in real time.

For reasons of the work methodology, since 2012, these listings of locations and magnitudes and those on the seismological bulletin are identical. For the previous years, the most updated revision is that of the web listing.

The informaction of regional earthquakes (<3000 km) and teleseisms (≥3000 km) is obtained from other agencies.

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