The 2024-2025 winter avalanche prediction campaign begins
We have started the winter season with the issuance of avalanche danger bulletins (BPA) and snow notes for people who live or practice activities in the mountains. BPAs, available Monday through Saturday, detail the degree of avalanche danger from weak to very strong (scale of 1 to 5), the main problems and the most dangerous elevations and orientations, and facilitate better planning safe activities in the Pyrenees of Catalonia.

The service is complemented by InfoGruixNEU which offers, daily, the thickness of snow on the ground in 8 points in the Pyrenees located above 2,000 meters. This information is accompanied by a climate assessment to determine if the snowfall is normal, surplus or deficit.
Every winter, Catalonia registers between 250 and 300 avalanches in the 1,300 km² of avalanche terrain, which highlights the importance of these tools for safety. According to the Avalanche Accident Observatory, the victims are mostly mountain skiers who trigger plate avalanches. For this reason, we remember the importance of following the advice of the decalogue of good habits to minimize risks.
In addition to predicting and monitoring avalanches, we respond to various special Civil Protection plans (Allaucat, Inuncat and Neucat) and support ski resorts managed by Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat (FGC) to guarantee safety on the slopes.

To receive BPAs by email or for more information, you can visit this link.
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