WMS Coast
Geoservice for monitoring the coast of episodes of maritime storms
Connection URL
Last update: 13/12/2023
Technical characteristics of the service
- OGC supported: WMS1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.1.1, 1.3.0.
- Original EPSG: 25831.
- Supported EPSG: 23031, 4230, 4258, 4326, 3857, 25831.
- Supported GetMap: PNG, JPEG.
- Supported OGC methods: GetCapabilities, GetMap.
Layers available
Layer | Layer name | Original resolution | Scale range |
Seasonal storm on the coast of Catalonia January 2017 | 20170124-Costa-orto25cm-rgb | 25 cm / pixel | All scales |
Seasonal storm on the coast of Catalonia March 2018 | 201803-Costa-orto25cm-rgb | 25 cm / pixel | All scales |
Seasonal storm on the coast of Catalonia February 2019 | 201902-Costa-orto15cm-rgb | 15 cm / pixel | All scales |
Seasonal storm on the coast of Catalonia April 2019 | 201904-Costa-orto15cm-rgb | 15 cm / pixel | All scales |
Seasonal storm on the coast of Catalonia October 2019 | 20191029-Costa-orto10cm-rgb | 25 cm / pixel | All scales |
Seasonal storm on the coast of Catalonia December 2019 | 20191207-Costa-orto10cm-rgb | 10 cm / pixel | All scales |
Sentinel2 Delta Ebre service of the ICGC 20200116 (seasonal storm Gloria) | 20200116-Delta-Sentinel2-rgb | 10 m / pixel | All scales |
Sentinel2 Delta Ebre service of the ICGC 20200123 (seasonal storm Gloria) | 20200123-Delta-Sentinel2-rgb | 10 m / pixel | All scales |
Sentinel2 Delta Ebre service of the ICGC 20200126 (seasonal storm Gloria) | 20200126-Delta-Sentinel2-rgb | 10 m / pixel | All scales |
Seasonal storm on the coast Catalonia January 2020 (seasonal storm Gloria) | 202001-Costa10cm-Delta15cm-rgb | 15 cm / pixel | All scales |
Delta Ebre ICGC 20200221 (one month after of seasonal storm Gloria) | 20200221-Delta10cm-rgb | 10 cm / pixel | All scales |
Delta Ebre ICGC 20200221 (one month after of seasonal storm Gloria, infrared) | 20200221-Delta10cm-irc | 10 cm / pixel | All scales |
Seasonal storm on the Delta Ebre coast January 2021 (seasonal storm Filomena) | 20210112-Costa-orto15cm-rgb | 15 cm / pixel | All scales |
Seasonal storm on the coast Catalonia March 2022 (Celia storm) | 20220404-Costa-orto10cm-rgb | 15 cm / pixel | All scales |
DANA September 2-3, 2023 | 20230906-Alcanar-orto10cm-rgb | 10 cm / pixel | All scales |
Seasonal storm on the coast Catalonia February 2023 (Isaak storm) | 202302-Costa-orto30cm-rgb | 30 cm / pixel | All scales |
Seasonal storm on the coast Catalonia April 2024 (Nelson storm) | 202404-Costa-orto10cm-rgb | 10 cm / pixel | All scales |
Map request example