Geographical names
Toponyms (place names) present in the ICGC cartography, with the coordinates of the point where they are located
For each toponym, the following is indicated:
- The type of geographic element it represents.
- The concept it is associated with.
- Code and name of the municipality (or municipalities) where it is located. In the case of large orographic or hydrographic units, the unit of belonging that is related is the region.
- Code and name of the region (or regions), of the singular territorial entity in the case of Aran, and of the territories surrounding Catalonia, where it is located.
- The UTM coordinates (in m) closest to the designated geographic element available.
The name of the municipalities, population entities and other major toponymy is that approved in the Official Nomenclature of Major Toponymy of Catalonia and updates published in the DOGC.
Character encoding is UTF-8.
| Geoinformation from the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia subject to a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license More information |