Re-use of the information
Conditions of use of the ICGC's geoinformation
Based on the provisions of Article 17.2 of Law 19/2014, of December 29th, on transparency, access to public information and good governance, the Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC) establishes through this document the terms of use that allow to promote the reuse of geographical, geological and geothematic information, especially the reproduction and dissemination by any means and the creation of information products and services based on these data with added value.
A. Information Property
- Information produced by ICGC (whether geographical, geological or geothematic) is covered by the Copyright Act and other applicable national and international legislation.
- The use, acquisition, gran of use license or the authorization to use the information produced by ICGC do not imply, in any case, the transfer of property, which entirely belongs entirely to ICGC.
B. Use license

- The Creative Commons licence that rules ICGC's information is the Attribution 4.0 International, known as CC BY 4.0.
- According to the stated by this licence, the user is obliged, in all cases, to quote the source of the used information.
C. Current terms of use refer to the following information
- The current terms of use apply to all information owned by the ICGC. ICGC’s website will clearly state the information owned by ICGC. Information not-owned by the ICGC is identified.
D. ICGC’s right reservations
- ICGC reserves the right to undertake legal actions, without prejudice to claim the appropriate compensation against those making improper or contrary use of these terms of use, of the information produced by ICGC or who has the property. In any case, ICGC may interrupt or block users access to information produced by ICGC until the situation is resolved according to current terms of use.
- The users of information produced by ICGC are the only responsible for the use they make and renounce any claim against ICGC.
- ICGC will adapt its on-line services according to the demand, in order to be accessible at all times. However, an exceptionally high use of them may mean a slowdown or, even, a service interruption.
- ICGC is not responsible for any temporary typographical, formal or numerical errors that may contain its geographical, geological and geothematic information, and declines responsibility for any damages that may result from the use of geographical, geological and geothematic information it produces.
How to cite the geoinformation of the ICGC distributed under a Creative Commons (CC) license
The geoinformation of the ICGC (with some exceptions, such as the orthophotos of American flights, certain topographic maps 1: 1,000, etc.) is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Therefore, when it is reused, only its authorship should be cited; it is not necessary to follow any other procedure or sign any document.
In good practices for attribution are mentioned.
Here are some possible texts that can be used to attribute the geoinformation of the ICGC distributed under a Creative Commons (CC) license:
- If it is the original geoinformation: "Orthophoto of Catalonia 1: 5.000 of the Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC), under a CC BY 4.0 license".
- If it is derived geoinformation (map ...): "Map derived from the Orthophoto of Catalonia 1: 5.000 of the Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC), used under a CC BY 4.0 license".