Peaks over 2000 m
The classification, cataloging and inventory of tops and mountains in lists is collected in the first studies of physical geography or hiking
The classification, cataloging and inventory of tops and mountains in the form of lists is a phenomenon that we already found in the first studies of physical geography or in the early days of hiking. One of the most used criteria in these inventories to define hierarchies has been the altitude that allows establishing ranges. Likewise, both in a study where the importance of many mountains in a given context is meant, as well as the same knowledge that comes from the hiking world, the uniqueness and attractiveness that a certain mountain may have is not necessarily linked to its altitude but Many other factors such as the significance it has at the local or regional level, its physiognomy or uniqueness, the history that is related, or the emotional link it may have with a certain community.
All in all, and given the growing interest in having relationships of peaks or mountains by certain groups, this list is presented with the peaks of more than 2000 meters in height of Catalonia. The list has been generated from the altitudes of the altimetric base of the ICGC obtained from the last update of the digital model of elevations in Catalonia. This list of points has been linked to the geographic name base in order to record those peaks that have a known name.
The list is in a constant process of updating and improvement, which is why modifications or new additions of names are possible, as well as changes in dimensions depending on new systems or calculation methods.
Finally, it should be noted that there are many more points in the territory that have elevations greater than 2000 meters: small elevations in the middle of a chain, points close to the main peaks of which they are part, minor overhangs, etc. As mentioned, the list is limited to those more singular elevations that have a known and collected name.
→ The peaks of more than 2000 m are located in 9 regions of Catalonia (Alt Urgell, Alta Ribagorça, Berguedà, Cerdanya, Pallars Jussà, Pallars Sobirà, Ripollès, Solsonès and Val d'Aran) and in 3 territories that surround Catalonia (Andorra , Aragon and France).