WMS Maps of Catalonia forest biophysical variables | icgc

WMS Maps of Catalonia forest biophysical variables

The geoservice WMS contains the representation of different biophysical variables of the forest of Catalonia

Connection URL


Last update: 09/05/2023.


Technical specifications of the service

  • OGC supported: WMS 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.1.1, 1.3.0
  • EPSG of the source data: 25831
  • EPDG supported: 23031, 32631, 4230, 4258, 4326, 3857
  • Formats supported in the answer:  GIF, PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF, SVG+XML
  • OGC Supported Methods: GetCapabilities, GetMap, GetFeatureInfo, GetLegendGraphic

Available layers

Current biophysical variables of the forest  - color

DescriptionLayer nameRange of scale
Total aerial biomass (t/ha) in color for the period 2016-2017biomassa_aeria_total_color_2016_2017All the scales
Total aerial carbon (t C/ha) in color for the period 2016-2017carboni_aeri_total_color_2016_2017All the scales
Bark volume (m3/ha)  in color for the period 2016-2017volum_escorca_color_2016_2017All the scales
Foliage biomass (t/ha) in color for the period 2016-2017biomassa_foliar_color_2016_2017All the scales
Basal area (m2/ha) in color for the period 2016-2017area_basal_color_2016_2017All the scales
Tree cover (%) in color for the period 2016-2017recobriment_arbori_color_2016_2017All the scales
Diameter at breast height (cm) in color for the period 2016-2017diametre_normal_mitja_color_2016_2017All the scales
Medium height (m) in color for the period 2016-2017alcada_mitjana_color_2016_2017All the scales
Leaf area index  in color for the period 2016-2017index_area_foliar_color_2016_2017All the scales
Tree density (feet/ha) in color for the period 2016-2017densitat_peus_hectarea_color_2016_2017All the scales

Previous biophysical variables of the forest - color

DescriptionLayer nameRange of scales
Total aerial biomass (t/ha) in color for the period 2005biomassa_aeria_total_color_2005All the scales
Total aerial carbon (t C/ha) in color for the period 2005carboni_aeri_total_color_2005All the scales
Bark volume (m3/ha)  in color for the period 2005volum_escorca_color_2005All the scales
Foliage biomass (t/ha) in color for the period 2005biomassa_foliar_color_2005All the scales
Basal area (m2/ha) in color for the period 2005area_basal_color_2005All the scales
Tree cover (%) in color for the period 2005recobriment_arbori_color_2005All the scales
Diameter at breast height (cm) in color for the period 2005diametre_normal_mitja_color_2005All the scales
Medium height (m) in color for the period 2005alcada_mitjana_color_2005All the scales

Current biophysical variables of the forest  - grayscale

DescriptionLayer nameRange of scales
Total aerial biomass (t/ha) in grey scale for the period 2016-2017biomassa_aeria_total_2016_2017All the scales
Total aerial carbon (t C/ha) in grey scale for the period 2016-2017carboni_aeri_total_2016_2017All the scales
Bark volume (m3/ha)  in grey scale for the period 2016-2017volum_escorca_2016_2017All the scales
Foliage biomass (t/ha) in grey scale for the period 2016-2017biomassa_foliar_2016_2017All the scales
Basal area (m2/ha) in grey scale for the period 2016-2017area_basal_2016_2017All the scales
Tree cover (%) in grey scale for the period 2016-2017recobriment_arbori_2016_2017All the scales
Diameter at breast height (cm) in grey scale for the period 2016-2017diametre_normal_mitja_2016_2017All the scales
Medium height (m) in grey scale for the period 2016-2017alcada_mitjana_2016_2017All the scales
Leaf area index  in grey scale for the period 2016-2017index_area_foliar_2016_2017All the scales
Tree density (feet/ha) in grey scale for the period 2016-2017densitat_peus_hectarea_2016_2017All the scales

Previous biophysical variables of the forest - grayscale

DescriptionLayer nameRang of scales
Total aerial biomass (t/ha) in gray scale for the period 2005biomassa_aeria_total_2005All the scales
Total aerial carbon (t C/ha) in gray scale for the period 2005carboni_aeri_total_2005All the scales
Bark volume (m3/ha)  in gray scale for the period 2005volum_escorca_2005All the scales
Foliage biomass (t/ha) in gray scale for the period 2005biomassa_foliar_2005All the scales
Basal area (m2/ha) in gray scale for the period 2005area_basal_2005All the scales
Tree cover (%) in gray scale for the period 2005recobriment_arbori_2005All the scales
Diameter at breast height (cm) in gray scale for the period 2005diametre_normal_mitja_2005All the scales
Medium height (m) in gray scale for the period 2005alcada_mitjana_2005All the scales

Forest biophysical variables time series in color

DescriptionLayer nameRang of scales
Total aerial biomass (t/ha) in color. Time seriesbiomassa_aeria_total_serie_temporal_colorAll the scales
Total aerial carbon (t C/ha) in color. Time seriescarboni_aeri_total_serie_temporal_colorAll the scales
Bark volume (m3/ha)  in color. Time seriesvolum_escorca_serie_temporal_colorAll the scales
Foliage biomass (t/ha) in color. Time seriesbiomassa_foliar_serie_temporal_colorAll the scales
Basal area (m2/ha) in color. Time seriesarea_basal_serie_temporal_colorAll the scales
Tree cover (%) in color. Time seriesrecobriment_arbori_serie_temporal_colorAll the scales
Diameter at breast height (cm) in color. Time seriesdiametre_normal_mitja_serie_temporal_colorAll the scales
Medium height (m) in color. Time seriesalcada_mitjana_serie_temporal_colorAll the scales
Leaf area index  in color. Time seriesindex_area_foliar_serie_temporal_colorAll the scales
Tree density (feet/ha) in color. Time seriesdensitat_peus_hectarea_serie_temporal_colorAll the scales

Forest biophysical variables time series in grayscale

DescriptionLayer nameRang of scales
Total aerial biomass (t/ha) in grey scale. Time seriesbiomassa_aeria_total_serie_temporalAll the scales
Total aerial carbon (t C/ha) in grey scale. Time seriescarboni_aeri_total_serie_temporalAll the scales
Bark volume (m3/ha)  in grey scale. Time seriesvolum_escorca_serie_temporalAll the scales
Foliage biomass (t/ha) in grey scale. Time seriesbiomassa_foliar_serie_temporalAll the scales
Basal area (m2/ha) in grey scale. Time seriesarea_basal_serie_temporalAll the scales
Tree cover (%) in grey scale. Time seriesrecobriment_arbori_serie_temporalAll the scales
Diameter at breast height (cm) in grey scale. Time seriesdiametre_normal_mitja_serie_temporalAll the scales
Medium height (m) in grey scale. Time seriesalcada_mitjana_serie_temporalAll the scales
Leaf area index  in grey scale. Time seriesindex_area_foliar_serie_temporalAll the scales
Tree density (feet/ha) in grey scale. Time seriesdensitat_peus_hectarea_serie_temporalAll the scales


Time series

The values 2005 or 2016_2017 can be taken, with the exception of the foliar area index and the density of feet per hectare that are only available in the latter period.   


Using the WMS GetFeatureInfo request you can obtain the value of the corresponding variable at the selected point.  


Exemple of map request
