WMS Sentinel-2 orthoimages | icgc

WMS Sentinel-2 orthoimages

It contains Copernicus Sentinel data from on 2015 modified by the ICGC.

Connection URL



Technical aspects of the service

  • Supported OGC: WMS 1.3.0, 1.1.1, 1.1.0.
  • Origin EPSG: 25831.
  • Supported EPSG: 23031, 32631, 4230, 4258, 4326, 3857.
  • Supported GetMap formats: GIF, PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF.
  • Supported OGC methods: GetCapabilities, GetMap.


An improved version of orthoimages (v2.0) has been distributed since April 2024.

Available layers

LayerLayer nameRange of scales
Sentinel-2 RGB image  - Summer 2019sen2rgb_mosaic_estiu_2019All scales
Sentinel-2 RGB image - Winter 2019sen2rgb_mosaic_hivern_2019_2020All scales
Sentinel-2 RGB images - TIME parameter enabledsen2rgbAll scales
Sentinel-2 IRC images - TIME parameter enabledsen2ircAll scales
Sentinel-2 RGB image [monthly]sen2rgb_[YYYYMM] *All scales
Sentinel-2 IRC image [monthly]sen2irc_[YYYYMM] *All scales

*Note: A  month WMS layer is provided whenever the image of the month is processed. Example: sen2rgb_201512.


Example (WMS-Time layer)

TIME enabled layer request: fill TIME parameter in the WMS request with month desired (&TIME=2016-03).


Example (WMS layer)

Layers with no TIME enabled can be requested as a standard WMS.
