WMS NDVI | icgc


The geoservice WMS NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) measures the growth of plants and controls the production of biomass

Connection URL



Technical aspects of the service

  • Supported OGC: WMS 1.3.0.
  • Supported EPSG: 23031, 32631, 4230, 4258, 4326, 3857.
  • Supported GetMap formats: PNG, JPEG, TIFF.
  • Supported OGC methods: GetMap, GetFeatureInfo (The latter returns, among other information, the description of the state of the vegetation according to the NDVI and the classification carried out).

Available layers

LayerLayer name Range of scales
Normalized NDVI (grayscale) [year]ndvi_[any]All the scales
Classified NDVI (color) [year]ndvi_color_[any]All the scales
Normalized NDVI (grayscale) to be used with the TIME parameterndvi_serie_anualAll the scales
Classified NDVI (in color) to be used with the TIME parameterndvi_serie_anual_colorAll the scales



Example (WMS-Time layer)

Layer request with TIME enabled: the TIME parameter must be added in the WMS query indicating the year of interest (for example &TIME=2020).



Example (WMS layer)

Layers without TIME enabled are queried as standard WMS layers.
