WMS Ebre - Projecte Life EBRO | icgc

WMS Ebre - Projecte Life EBRO

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Versió: v03 (15/02/2021).


Característiques tècniques del servei

  • OGC suportat: WMS 1.0.0, 1.1.0, 1.1.1, 1.3.0.
  • EPSG original: 25831.
  • EPSG suportats: 3034, 3035, 3043, 3857, 4258, 4326, 25831, 32631.
  • Formats GetMap suportats: GIF, PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF, SVG+XML.
  • Mètodes OGC suportats: GetCapabilities, GetMap, GetFeatureInfo, GetLegendGraphic.

Capes disponibles

 CapaNom capaRang d'escales
BoreholeboreholeTotes les escales
SamplesampleTotes les escales
AMTamtTotes les escales
Seismic noise arrayarrayTotes les escales
Corner reflectorcorner_reflectorTotes les escales
DInSAR ERS Envisatdinsar_ers_envisatTotes les escales
DInSAR Sentineldinsar_sentinelTotes les escales
Electrical resistivity tomographyertTotes les escales
Geophysical loggeophysical_logTotes les escales
Horitzontal to vertical spectral ratiohvTotes les escales
Seismic surface waves (MASW) and Seismic refraction (SRA)sraTotes les escales
Seismic reflectionsrxTotes les escales
Workframe of the 3D modelworkframeTotes les escales
Contour line map of the base of the QH deposits3d_qhTotes les escales
Thickness of the QH depositsqh_thicknessTotes les escales
Contour line map of the base of the QH20 deposits3d_qh20Totes les escales
Thickness of the QH20 depositsqh20_thicknessTotes les escales
Contour line map of the base of the QHlmpd deposits3d_qhlmpdTotes les escales
Limit of the QHlmpd depositscontour_qhlmpdTotes les escales
Thickness of the QHlmpd depositsqhlmpd_thicknessTotes les escales
Contour line map of the base of the  QHfd deposits3d_qhfdTotes les escales
Limit of the QHfd depositscontour_qhfdTotes les escales
Thickness of the QHfd depositsqhfd_thicknessTotes les escales
Contour line map of the base of the QHprd deposits3d_qhprdTotes les escales
Limit of the QHprd depositscontour_qhprdTotes les escales
Thickness of the QHprd depositsqhprd_thicknessTotes les escales
Contour line map of the base of the QPtf deposits3d_qptfTotes les escales
Limit of the QPtf depositscontour_qptfTotes les escales
Thickness of the QPtf depositsqptf_thicknessTotes les escales
Contour line map of the base of the QPtc deposits3d_qptcTotes les escales
Limit of the QPtc depositscontour_qptcTotes les escales
Thickness of the QPtc depositsqptc_thicknessTotes les escales
Map of the modern sedimentary environments of the Ebro Deltadelta_environmentsTotes les escales
Distribution of the Holocene and Upper Pleistocene units at -5m elevationsection_5mTotes les escales
Distribution of the Holocene and Upper Pleistocene units at -15m elevationsection_15mTotes les escales
Distribution of the Holocene and Upper Pleistocene units at -25m elevationsection_25mTotes les escales
Distribution of the Holocene and Upper Pleistocene units at -35m elevationsection_35mTotes les escales
Distribution of the Holocene and Upper Pleistocene units at -45m elevationsection_45mTotes les escales
Approximate morphology of the Ebro Delta plain about 3000 years agodelta_3000bpTotes les escales
Approximate morphology of the Ebro Delta plain between the VI and X centurydelta_svi_sxTotes les escales
Approximate morphology of the Ebro Delta plain between the X and XIII centurydelta_sx_sxiiiTotes les escales
Approximate morphology of the Ebro Delta plain in the end of the XVI centurydelta_1580Totes les escales
Approximate morphology of the Ebro Delta plain in the middle of the XVIII centurydelta_1749Totes les escales
Approximate morphology of the Ebro Delta plain about 1880delta_1880Totes les escales
Shoreline Topographic base 1:50 000shoreline_bt50mTotes les escales
Shoreline in 1923shoreline_1923Totes les escales
Shoreline in 1945shoreline_1945Totes les escales
Shoreline in 1956shoreline_1956Totes les escales
Shoreline in 1974shoreline_1974Totes les escales
Shoreline in 1983shoreline_1983Totes les escales
Shoreline in 1993shoreline_1993Totes les escales
Shoreline in 2005shoreline_2005Totes les escales
Shoreline in 2014shoreline_2014Totes les escales
Sedimentary dynamics of the Ebro delta front between 1890 and 1976sd_1880_1974Totes les escales
Approximated distribution of marshes around 1880marshes1880Totes les escales
Soil map of the Ebro Delta plainsoil_mapTotes les escales


Exemple de petició de servei
