Ebre seismic station (EBR) | icgc

Ebre seismic station (EBR)

Code: EBR Name: Ebre Latitude: 40.820167 N Longitude: 0.493940 E Height: 36 m
Subsoil features
LithologyPeriodVs30 (m/s)EC8 ClassF0 (Hz)
Instrumentation by channels and periods
ChannelsStart dateSensor typeDigitizer typeInstrumental response
See components1904See instrument--

The Ebre seismic station (EBR), installed in 1904 and owned by the Observatori de l'Ebre (OE), is the first seismic station in Catalonia and still active. As the technology has been progressing, the instruments have been updated and nowadays it is still in operation thanks to the collaboration between the OE and the ICGC.

Over the years, the OE has accumulated long series of analog seismograms of the EBR seismic station. It is of common interest for both institutions to preserve and disseminate this heritage and for this reason have begun actions to transfer the recordings to digital form. The following table presents a complete list of analog seismographs of the Ebre seismic station (EBR) and their main characteristics. You can  check the details of the available scanned recordings selecting, in the table, the name of the instrument.

InstrumentComponentsPeriod (years)Mass (Kg)
Vicentini verticalZ1904-193650
Microsismograph VicentiniN-S1904-1916100
Mainka EbreN-S1914-19411501
Mainka EbreE-W1914-1938157
Vertical pendulum EbreNE-SW, NW-SE1914-1915316
Vertical pendulum EbreN-S1915-1941316
Mainka EbreN-S1942-19661500
Mainka EbreE-W1942-19661500
Vertical pendulumN-S1943-1961635
Zenithal pendulumZ1961-1966635
Geotech 6102A + Lehner-Griffith GL-261N-S1965-196714.7
Geotech 6102A + Lehner-Griffith GL-261E-W1965-196714.7
Geotech 6102A + UED GS-250N-S1966-197414.7
Geotech 6102A + UED GS-250E-W1966-197414.7
Geotech 4681A + UED GS-250Z1965-197515
Sprengnether S-5000H + Lehner-Griffith GL-261N-S1968-200010.7
Sprengnether S-5000H + Lehner-Griffith GL-261E-W1968-200010.7
Sprengnether S-5000V + Lehner-Griffith GL-261Z1969-200011.2