Gonzalo de Reparaz Ruiz collection | icgc

Gonzalo de Reparaz Ruiz collection


Gonzalo de Reparaz  Ruiz

Documentation related to personal and professional activity of geographer Gonzalo de Reparaz Ruiz (Sèvres 1901 - Lima, 1984) consisting of identification documnets as well as academic, family, intellectual and scientist ones. It also contains documents relating to his father Gonzalo de Reparaz Rodríguez.

Admission data: in 2005 from the family address of his wife Ester de Reparaz and his daughter María del Carmen de Reparaz arrived both the collection and the personal library of the geographer formed by more than 3.000 volumes which are available in the Cartoteca.

Related archives: his father Gonzalo de Reparaz Rodríguez-Báez 's archive