WCS of the Digital Terrain Model | icgc

WCS of the Digital Terrain Model

WCS for the 15x15 m and 5x5 m Digital terrain model of Catalonia that it provides the heights of the requested points

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Technical aspects of the service

  • Supported OGC: WCS 1.0.0, 1.1.1

  • Origin EPSG: 23031

  • Supported EPSG: 25831, 32631 (The EPSG: 4230, 4258 and 4326 are temporarily unavailable)

  • Supported GetCapabilities formats: ESRI ArcGRID (ASCII)

  • Supported OGC methods: GetCapabilities, GetCoverage, DescribeCoverage

Coverages: icc:met


  • RESX,RESY: Indicates the spatial resolution (meters) that the pixels in the resulting image should have.

  • WIDTH,HEIGHT: Indicates the number of pixels in the resulting image.

Limitations: The tile size of the original coverage for the area in the WCS request can not exceed 140 KB, which means that the maximum number of pixels in the request cannot exceed 35805.

Regarding the algorithm:

  • The resolution of the original data is 15 x 15 m and 5x5 m.

  • The search of the heights of the requested points is carried out automatically depending on the resolution of the image demanded. Therefore, in some cases the heights are determined through the DTM 15x15 m and in other cases through the DTM 5x5 m.

  • To obtain data without any offset from the original, the requested corners must be (X,Y) = (250007.5+15 i, 4450002.5+15 j), where i and j are natural numbers (1, 2, 3...).

  • The service applies a nearest neighbour interpolation.

  • If the size of the requested cells is equal to the resolution of the original data (15 x 15 m or 5x5 m), the centroid of these cells is determined and the value (height) of the corresponding pixel in the original image is given.

  • If the size of the requested cells is different from the resolution of the original data (15 x 15 m or 5x5 m), the lower right corner of these cells is determined and the value (height) of the corresponding pixel in the original image is given.

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