Review and provide new tools and recommendations to Civil Protection that improve risk assessment and crisis and emergency management
RECIPE is a project developed by the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid – DG- ECHO, that focuses on the improvement of the integration of civil protection requirements within the response phase to the different natural hazards that affect Europe.
The aim is to review and provide new practical tools and recommendations to Civil Protection that facilitate the improvement of risk assessment and the management of crises and emergencies. Highly hazardous patterns and scenarios will be reviewed, their relationship to climate change analyzed, and new procedures to be followed in the event of avalanches. Case studies will also test the integrated approaches that connect operational response and civil protection needs to the stages of prevention within risk management strategies.
On the other hand, the main risks that interact with each other and affect the mountain areas of Europe will be considered: forest fires and their impact on the population of wild urban areas, floods, landslides and snow avalanches; the different regional contexts of southern Europe and central Europe will also be taken into account.
Allau al Pirineu català
RECIPE at a glance
- Title: “REinforcing CIvil Protection and Emergency management capabilities into risk planning process (RECIPE)”.
- Budget: 703.108,77 euros.
- Financing DG-ECHO: 597.642,45 euros (85% del cost).
- Start date: 01/01/2020.
- End date: 30/11/2021.
- Consortium: 8 partners from 5 countries.
Spain-Catalonia: Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya, Direcció General de Protecció Civil de Catalunya, Consorci Centre de Ciència i Tecnologia Forestal de Catalunya, Fundació d’Ecologia del Foc i Gestió d’Incendis Pau Costa.
Germany: Forest Research Institute of Baden-Wuerttemberg (FVA).
Austria: Austrian Research Centre for Forest, Natural Hazards and Landscape (BFW).
Italy: Centro Internazionale in Monitoraggio Ambientale - Fondazione CIMA.
Portugal: Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA). - Coordination: Centre de Ciència i Tecnologia Forestal de Catalunya.
- Web: in construction.
- Program: Project funded by UE.
Expected results
- In each pilot location, common methodological denominators will be defined to allow a comparable but flexible approach and to carry out a process of exchanging knowledge of the lessons learned.
- In practical cases, specific practical tools adapted to the site will be developed, such as protocols, data management or operational guidelines to improve regional civil protection capabilities and emergency management.
- Taking advantage of the different risk representatives and regional contexts, transferable prototypes and recommendations will be delivered at European level at the end of the project.
Project technical actions
Action 1 – Management and coordination
The aim is to guarantee the correct coordination and management of the project by promoting a fluid, regular and efficient communication between the partners to ensure the fulfillment of all the tasks and objectives according to the established schedule. In this phase, relevant information, templates and standards common to all project members will be provided through kick off Meeting and sharing workshops.
Action 2 – Define civil protection requirements for integrated multi-risk management
To define a common risk assessment framework that would be able to integrate interactions between different risks in accordance with civil protection, emergency management and planning requirements. A common strategic line will be defined regarding methodologies for the prevention and preparation of the response under cost-efficiency criteria. Operational gaps and achievements will also be surveyed to improve responsiveness in risk assessment and planning.
Action 3 – Impacts of climate change projections on multi-risk management
The purpose of this action is to review emergency management requirements to address unexpected or new risk situations posed by climate change, and how to fit them into the risk assessment and planning process.
Action 4 – Guides and decision-support tools for integrating climate scenarios into risk assessment and planning
Develop guidelines and support tools to incorporate climate change projections into risk assessment and natural hazards, and provide valuable information and resources that can help in decision making.
Action 5 – Advertising and transfer of project results
Ensure efficient, consistent, harmonized and wide-ranging communication, transfer and dissemination of project activities and results, at local, regional, national and European levels.
ICGC tasks
- The ICGC, within the scope of avalanche prediction, works to improve the avalanche danger information platform for very strong (4) and very strong (5) situations, which are the ones that generate warnings to Civil Protection.
- One of the fundamental tasks is to update the avalanche scenarios in the Pyrenees of Catalonia in the context of climate change, with a special emphasis on vulnerable areas with the aim of increasing the security and forecasting of specific risk situations.
- The update of the big avalanche scenarios will be visualized from a platform designed to provide new summary and graphic information. This tool will improve response in the event of crisis situations, such as those recently experienced during the 2017-2018 season.
- The analysis carried out in the project will be included in the Allaucat Civil Protection Plan.