V Snow and Avalanches Workshop (Pyrenean Symposium on Snow and Avalanches) | icgc

V Snow and Avalanches Workshop (Pyrenean Symposium on Snow and Avalanches)



From 09.10.2017 to 11.10.2017



The Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia, Institute of Andorran Studies, Observatory for the Sustainability of Andorra, Meteorological Service of Catalonia and Aran General Council are delighted to announce the holding of a new edition of the Snow and Avalanches Workshop.

This workshop will provide a meeting venue for both professionals and non-professionals interested in the study of snow and avalanches. The 2017 edition will be devoted to the following thematic blocks:

  • Weather forecasting

  • Snow and hydric resources

  • Climate change

  • Avalanche forecasting

  • Avalanche mapping

  • Avalanche dynamics

  • Prevention and protection

  • Safety and mountain activities

  • Education


The Snow and Avalanches Workshop –whose fifth edition in 2017 is named Pyrenean Symposium on Snow and Avalanches– will be held in the town of Ordino in Andorra, where there are plenty of hotels, bars, restaurants and other services that will ensure that participants will have an enjoyable stay.

Workshop format

The workshop will consist of conferences by guest speakers, oral presentations and posters. There will also be exhibition space for companies and institutions working in the field of snow and avalanches. On the final day a guided visit to various sites in the parish of Ordino linked to the symposium topics will be arranged.


The workshop will be held in Catalan, Spanish and French.

Oral contributions and posters

Participants are welcome to contribute relevant proposals as oral presentations or posters. A summary of each proposal must be sent before May 20th 2017. The Symposium’s Scientific Committee reserve the right to modify the format of proposed presentations. Those who present a poster will also be given to opportunity to hold a brief oral presentation of their work.


Inscriptions open on April 10th 2017. Until May 31st, all inscriptions will cost 30 €, but from June 1st onwards will cost 45€.

Local organizing Committee

This fifth edition of the workshop will be organized locally by two Andorran entities, the Institute of Andorran Studies and the Observatory for the Sustainability of Andorra.

The Parish Council of Ordino, the hosts for the workshops, and Vallnord-Arcalis will also collaborate with the 2017 edition.

Exhibitors and sponsors

If your institution, be it public or private, works in the field of snow and avalanches, you may want to participate as a sponsor or place a display in the exhibition space. If you are interested, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the local organizers via the following e-mail info@snowandavalanches.ad

More information

For more information, visit the website of the 2017 Workshop: www.snowandavalanches.ad
