Jornada ICC-INAVE: Els nous reptes de la geoinformació | icgc

Jornada ICC-INAVE: Els nous reptes de la geoinformació

New challenges for geoinformation: intelligence, collaboration, community, coverage, accessibility, quality and sustainability, is a workshop organized jointly by the Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya (ICC) and the Institute of Navigation of Spain (INAVE).





New challenges for geoinformation: intelligence, collaboration, community, coverage, accessibility, quality and sustainability, is a workshop organized jointly by the Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya (ICC) and the Institute of Navigation of Spain (INAVE).


The unstoppable development and evolution of the infrastructures around geoinformation during the first decade of 21st century have precipitated the emergence of new perspectives and possibilities within this world. Internet, more robust communication channels, programs and platforms, and the versatility and possibilities of computers, receivers and mobile devices have enabled the accessibility to geoinformation, to a global universe of users working in community and collaboratively. The goal of this conference is proposing challenges, frontiers and perspectives of professional work and a user community that feeds the world of geoinformation as a living entity in constant evolution.