Internacional Intensive Training Course on Soil Micromorphology
From 22.09.2014 to 03.10.2014
From September 22nd to October 3rd, 2014, the International Intensive Training Course on Soil Micromorphology will be held at the Centre de Suport Territorial de Tremp.
The course is organized by the Department of Environment and Soil Sciences of the Universitat de Lleida and the Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya, under the auspices of the International Soil Science Society. It includes theoretical and practical sessions using microscopy techniques and is completed with an optional excursion around the Tremp basin dealing with geology, Mediterranean soilscapes, soil genesis and ar-chaeology (roman village of Isona).
The programme includes: Principles of mineralogy and petrography, optical mineralogy; micromor-phology sampling and thin section making; guide-lines for the description of thin sections of soils and regoliths; micromorphology of soil materials and identification of soil formation processes: carbonate-, gypsum-, and salt affected soils, vol-canic soils, clay accumulation, hydromorphic soils, tropical and highly weathered soils, glacial and periglacial processes; micromorphometry and image processing; soil genesis and classification; agronomy: sealing and crusting, structure and porosity; paleosols and technosols; archaeology.
Prof. Rosa M. Poch (UdL – ISSS, coordinator)
Prof. Mercè Bergadà (UB)
Prof. Àngels Canals (UB)
Dr. Vera M. de Melo Marcelino (UGent)
Prof. Rosa M. Poch (UdL)
Prof. Rafael Rodríguez (UdL)
Dr. Albert Solé Benet (CSIC-EEZA)
Em. Prof. Georges Stoops (UGent)
Prof. Esperança Tauler (UB)
Language: English
Fees: 400 €
Accommodation: Youth Hostel of Tremp, besides several hotels is available.
Diploma: Official diploma of the Universitat of Lleida will be handled after completion of the course
Matriculation: Until September 16, 2014