1st Conference on geological storage of CO2
The Faculty of Geology of the University of Barcelona, the Jaume Almera Institute of Earth Sciences (ICTJA) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), the Geological Institute of Catalonia (IGC) and the Energy City Foundation (CIUDEN) are hosting the First Conference on the Geological Storage of CO2, a series of lectures on the capture and storage of CO2.
From 25.02.2011 to 10.04.2011
Faculty of Geology of the University of Barcelona, the Jaume Almera Institute of Earth Sciences (ICTJA) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), the Geological Institute of Catalonia (IGC) and the Energy City Foundation (CIUDEN) are hosting the First Conference on the Geological Storage of CO2, a series of lectures on the capture and storage of CO2.
The containment and storage of CO2 is an area of increasing importance not only to geologists and geological engineers, but to professionals in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, and environmental science, and also to lawyers and economists. The need for regulations on fossil fuel emissions have lead to the development of a number of pilot projects (including the Spanish foundation CIUDEN) and have mobilized large numbers of human and material resources at a level of hands on-multidisciplinary research which would have been unimaginable only a few years ago.
Part of what this means is that in the very near future there will be a substantial need for qualified professionals in geology and other specialties to face the challenges of teamwork focused on the identification, inventory, development and management of underground repositories for CO2 in the form of compressed liquid, along with other fluids. Furthermore, businesses and public administrations will also become increasingly important actors in the development of this field.
During the spring of 2011 the program content of the lecture series will deepen the scientific and technological challenge posed by the need to mitigate environmental impact of anthropogenic emissions of CO2 to the atmosphere.
"Geological storage of CO2",
Key concepts, techniques and experiences
Economic and legal context. Environmental Aspects
Schedule: from 10:00 to 14:00
Place: Aula Magna of the Faculty of Geology, Barcelona University
In the conference-seminar on 25 February, a general introduction to the topic will take place. Conceptual and technical expertise will be discussed at the conference on March 16 by experts in various subjects. Matters relating to economic, legal and environmental will be discussed in the conference on 13 April.
Album of videos of the lecture series
Participation in the lecture series is free.
Because of the limited capacity of the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Geology, registration enrollment in the lecture, or in one of its journeys, is required to be made before 25th February using the link provided on this website. Please remind that priority order of registration will be given to petitioners.
In case of problems accessing the registration link, you may send an e-mail to activitats.facultat.geologia@ub.edu indicating in the Subject of the message: "Assistència geological storage of CO2".
In the message body should include, in this order:
Name, 1st Name, Last Name 2n, ongoing studies, Certification, University-Research Center, Enterprise, full mailing address, e-mail, telephone contact to provide assistance Days (February 25-March 16-April 13)
If there are existing seats available, stakeholders that could have not been able to register in advance may do so between 8.45 and 9.45 am the same day of the conference (February 25-March 16-April 13) in the hall of the Faculty of Geology, at the entrance of the Aula Magna.
All those involved in at least two of the three days will receive a certificate of attendance.
Research group Lithosphere Geophysics Department, Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS) of Trieste (Italy) and member of CO2GeoNet.
Activity on the 6th EAGE European Student Lecture Tour sponsorized by the European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE)
Conference summary (89 KB) (Poster 127 KB)
Curriculum of the speaker
Dr. F. Donda worked since 1998 in the field of Marine Geology. Bachelor in Geology from the University of Trieste (1998), she completed her doctoral thesis in Polar Science (2003). She has participated in various national and international projects, gaining valuable experience in the interpretation of multichannel seismic data and high resolution, mainly related to the study of sedimentary processes in glacial margins. Since 2005 her main research activity has been associated with the identification of sites potentially suitable for CO2 geological storage in deep saline aquifers of Italy. She has participated in the European Project "CO2 Geocapacity". She is currently the principal investigator of the project sponsored by ENEL (Italian Electric Company) to "identify potential sites for the application of techniques CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) in the northern Adriatic".
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/ Videos of the presentations
Dr. Lluís Cabrera, Degà de la Facultat de Geologia, UB
El programa de CIUDEN en Almacenamiento Geológico de CO2
Dr. Modesto Montoto, Director del programa CIUDEN de Almacenamiento geológico de CO2
Contexto geológico de la Planta de Desarrollo Tecnológico de Hontomín
Dr. Josep Anton Muñoz, Director de l'Institut de recerca GEOMODELS (UB)
Bases geoquímicas del Almacenamiento Geológico del CO2
Dr. Carles Ayora, Professor d'investigació, Institut de Diagnosi Ambiental i Estudis de l'Aigua (IDAEA-CSIC)
Dr. Ramon Carbonell, Professor d'investigació, Institut de Ciències de la Terra "Jaume Almera" (IJA-CSIC)
Procesos hidromecánicos que afectan al almacenamiento geológico del CO2: aplicación en Hontomín
Dr. Jesus Carrera, Professor d'investigació, Institut de Diagnosi Ambiental i Estudis de l'Aigua (IDAEA-CSIC)
Debate and discussion
Moderador: Dr. Andrés Pérez-Estaún, Professor d'investigació, Institut de Ciències de la Terra "Jaume Almera" (IJA-CSIC)
Dr. Juan Carlos Ballesteros Aparicio, Subdirector de I+D de ENDESA Generación
Francisco Javier Alonso Martínez, Subdirector de Portafolio Tecnológico de Gas Natural Fenosa
Dr. Harald Stockhausen, Consultor en geologia, Centro de Tecnología de Repsol
Dr. Modesto Montoto, Director del programa CIUDEN de Almacenamiento geológico de CO2
Dr. Josep Anton Muñoz, Director de l'Institut de Recerca Geomodels (UB)
Dr. Antoni Roca i Adrover, Director de l'Institut Geològic de Catalunya
14.00 Cloenda de la jornada
Videos of the presentations
Dr. Antoni Roca, Director de l'Institut Geològic de Catalunya
Aspectos económicos del almacenamiento geológico de CO2
Dr. Iñaki Gili Jauregui, Director tècnic de l'Oficina Catalana del Canvi Climàtic
Marco legal del almacenamiento geológico de CO2: europeo, estatal y autonómico
Dr. Miguel Ángel Zapatero, Director de projectes del Instituto Geológico y Minero de España
Incidencia ambiental del almacenamiento geológico del CO2
Dr. Jordi Bruno, Conseller Delegat AMPHOS XXI
11.40 Pause
La Plataforma tecnológica Española del CO2: Documento de Visión, Documento de despliegue estratégico y Agenda I+D+i
Sr. Santiago Sabugal, President d'honor de la Plataforma Tecnológica Española del CO2
Plan de Selección y caracterización de Áreas y Estructuras favorables para el Almacenamiento Geológico en España (Plan ALGEO2)
Dra. Isabel Suárez, Investigadora del Instituto Geológico y Minero de España
Debate and discussion
Moderador: Dr. Antoni Roca, Director de l'Institut Geològic de Catalunya
Sr. Santiago Sabugal, President d'Honor de la Plataforma Tecnológica Española del CO2
Dra. Mónica Lupion, Directora de Relacions Internacionals de la Fundación Ciudad de la Energía
Dra. Isabel Suarez, Instituto Geológico y Minero de España
Dr. Mariano Marzo Carpio, Catedràtic de la Facultat de Geologia (UB)
Dr. Eduard Vall, Subdirecció General de Mines del Departament d'Empresa i Ocupació de la Generalitat de Catalunya
14.00 Clausure