Fast WMS of raster cartography in UTM coordinates
This service will be discontinued on 20/06/2024 as it has been replaced by the new Base Map Service.
Connection URL
Technical aspects of the WMS service
- Supported OGC: WMS 1.1.0, 1.1.1, 1.3.0.
- Origin EPSG: 25831.
- Supported EPSG: 25831, 23031, 32631.
- Supported GetMap formats: image/png, image/jpeg.
- Supported OGC methods: GetCapabilities, GetMap.
URL capabilities
- topo (topographic maps).
- topogris (grey maps).
- orto (orthophotos).
- ortogris (greyscale ortophotos).
Example with layer topo:
Example with layer topogris:
Example with layer orto:
Example with layer ortogris: