The ICGC distributes geoinformation in different formats.
Image formats (raster)
Only recommended for low resolution works.
JPEG 2000 (jp2)
Open format, evolution of the JPEG format that allows lossy and lossless compression and also supports geo extensions.
MrSid (sid)
It is a georeferenced image format, compressed without quality loss. See also:
TIFF (tif)
Open format specified by Adobe and widely supported, especially with its extension to support georeferencing (GeoTiff). For data exceeding 4 GB there is also the BigTIFF variant. It allows data to be compressed with and without loss, as well as optimized for quick viewing.
ECW (ecw)
Proprietary format of the company Erdas Imagine (Hexagon), which allows highly optimized compression.
GeoPDF maps have geospatial capabilities that allow users to interact with the data in the territory. They also allow to have relevant data in portable devices and, then, to be there where the information is located. GeoPDF files are compatible with all PDF viewers. To take profit of the "Geo" features of the GeoPDF files, you can add the free TerraGo Toolbar, by Terrago Technologies, as a complement of Adobe Reader.
Technical formats for CAD
On the page of any cartographic series (when needed), you can find:
- Complementary files, to work properly with this kind of formats.
- Technical specifications, that include useful information, as could be the elements of any layer.
DWG (dwg)
Proprietary format of the AutoDesk company and native to the widely used AutoCAD software.
DXF (dxf)
Basically for AutoCAD and other applications that work with vectors (including Adobe).
Bentley proprietary format, native to Microstation software. There are different unsupported versions (dgn8, dgn7...).
Technical formats for GIS
On the page of any cartographic series (when needed), you can find:
- Complementary files, to work properly with this kind of formats.
- Technical specifications, that include useful information, as could be the layers structure.
Export (e00)
Proprietary format of the company ESRI. Data export from your ArcInfo software.
Shapefile (shp)
Proprietary format of the company ESRI. It is one of the oldest formats and, despite its limitations, the most supported by all GIS software.
Native format of MiraMon software.
Geopackage (gpkg)
Standard OGC format for storing raster and vector data. Allows grouping different layers in a single file.
ESRI File Geodatabase (gdb)
Proprietary format of the ESRI company that allows storing raster and vector data. It allows to group layers in a single file. This format can be compressed for ease of distribution in a format called "Layer Package" (lpkx).
GeoJSON (json)
Open format, based on text, widely used in the WEB.
Formats for GPS navigators
The ICGC does not distribute cartography in specific formats for GPS navigators, but the MrSid image format is compatible with some of them.
Formats for graphics
The ICGC does not distribute cartography in specific formats for graphics (vector), but the DXF format is compatible with some software related to this issue.
Lidar data
Open format containing point cloud information.
Other formats
Basically for Google Earth.
Only buildings of the Topographic base of Catalonia 1:5,000 and of the Topographic cartography 1:1,000 v2.2 are distributed in this format.
Format related to ICGC Digital Terrain Models.