OGC Location Standards for Mobile World | icgc

OGC Location Standards for Mobile World





At this event: Learn more about the recently announced OGC GeoPackage standard and join us at the free GeoPackage workshop.

Are you looking for ways to improve how you use location information?

  • Provide the freshest and most contextually relevant data

  • Make information access rapid, incremental

  • Communicate position quickly, inexpensively including when roaming

  • Offer fewer LBS apps that provide greater data depth and reliability

  • Support for indoor as well as outdoor position

Are your location information tools efficient in terms of data access and management?

  • Lower costs of creating and maintaining location based data sets

  • Keep maps and all geodata current

  • Mix data sets while keeping intuitive and consistent symbols

  • Accomodate diverse mobile platforms with consistent behaviors

  • Use best available position accuracy given device sensors

  • User open APIs to reduce overhead between LBS tools

The Open Geospatial Consortium invites you to our 2nd open standards for mobile event. Once again, it is hosted at the stunning Institut Cartogràfic I Geològic de Catalunya building. Location information is now pervasive across many domains and industries.

Join us to find out how we and our alliance partners work together to develop the necessary standards to help you get the most out of location. On the day you will hear from not only OGC, but OMA, W3C and the Small Cell Forum. Following the morning's presentations there will be the opportunity to join one of three workshops with the world's leading experts who have developed the Geopackage, IndoorGML and ARML.





9:00 - 10:30

ICGC. Auditorium

Opening - Denise McKenzie, Exec Director, OGC

  • The importance of location for mobile - George Percivall, OGC

  • OMA Location Enablers, AR and OneAPI - Gary K. Jones, OMA Board Chairman

  • Small Cell Forum and location services - Art King, SCF Services Working Group

  • W3C Geolocation API, Device Orientation, Geofencing - Dominique Hazael-Massieux, W3C

10:30 - 10:50

Morning break

10:50 - 12:00

ICGC. Auditorium

OGC Testbeds

  • OGC Testbeds - George Percivall, OGC

  • Geopackage and Context - Roger Brackin, Envitia

  • IndoorGML - Sisi Zlatanova, Univ. Delft

  • ARML - Martin Lechner, Wikitude

12:00 - 12:30

ICGC. Hall

Lunch sponsored by Bain & Company

12:30 - 14:00

ICGC. Master classroom

Technical Workshop: Geopackage and Context - Roger Brackin, Envitia

ICGC. Auditorium

Technical Workshop: ARML - Martin Lechner, Wikitude

ICGC. West Tower

Technical Workshop: IndoorGML - Sisi Zlatanova, TU. Delft

Lloc: Seu de l'Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya, Parc de Montjuïc, Barcelona (vegeu mapa).