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Publicacions cartogràfiques

Descàrregues de mapes administratius, vegueries, carreteres, físic, topogràfic, turístic... (JPG, PDF, TIFF)

Referential Territorial Topographic

Reference topographic base with total coverage of the territory

Open ICGC plugin

Toolbar plugin QGIS “Open ICGC” that allows direct and quick access to the geoinformation of the ICGC

Databases and catalogues

Databases of avalanches, landslides, holotypes, shallow geothermal energy installations, catalogues of soils and of the library


ContextMaps és el referent de cartografia topogràfica i temàtica transversal de l’Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya

Download viewer

Advanced download viewer

Geological and geothematic cartography

Homogeneus geological, soil and geothematic cartography at appropriate scales for country and urban planning

Vector maps

Topographic maps, administrative boundaries and other vector files for CAD and GIS


Lidar data, digital elevation models and slope maps


GNSS observation files (RINEX), seismic data and other actionable files

Aerial and satellite images

Aerial photographs and orthoimages of various update dates and resolution

Books in pdf

Compilation of catalogues, old books, technical books, conferences, toponymy...


Geographical names and addresses

Maps in image format

Topographic, ancient and other maps, in image formats

Maps for mobile

Select the type of map, area and download cartography in Mbtiles, GeoPackage and KMZ formats for your mobile application and GPS receiver

Technical publications

Technical publications grouped in different branches of knowledge and Catalan Geography Magazine

UTM Grids

Grids of 1x1 km and 10x10 km, for species distribution and other purposes 

Open ICGC resources

Collection of styles, tiles, code and samples based on ICGC data

Obsolescència d'aplicacions, productes i serveis

Estat de progrés d'obsolescència programada

Downloading help

Do you have any questions about the files you download or do you not find a specific information? We can help you to solve it