2nd web session: Com consultar i descarregar productes ICC
This second session wants to explain in a concrete and practical way how to consult and download ICC products on the Internet.
2on seminari d'història de la cartografia
Cartografia i agrimensura a Catalunya i Balears (segles XIX-XX)
3rd web session: Documents cartogràfics antics al web de l'ICC
The 3rd web session wants to introduce tools and services provided by ICC on the Internet related to old cartographic documents.
4th web session: Documents cartogràfics antics al web de l'ICC
The 4th web session wants to explain in a concrete way how to use ICC "geoservices" (on-line map services).
5th web session: Productes divulgatius al web de l'ICC: Atles digitals i RCG
The 5th web session wants to explain in a concrete way, two case studies that use digital cartography information distributed by Internet: the municipalities atlases of Girona province and the National atlas of Catalonia. Also to talk about the Revista Catalana de Geografia, as an example of the Internet information divulgation.
Jornada ICC-INAVE: Infraestructures espacials i els seus beneficis per a la societat
Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya (Barcelona).