ICGC Geocoder for ArcGIS | icgc

ICGC Geocoder for ArcGIS

Geolocation service with ICGC data for ArcGIS Pro software users


The ICGC Geocoder for ArcGIS allows the use of a geolocation service with ICGC data that can be used both by ArcGIS Pro software users and by application developers on ESRI platforms. 


ArcGIS Pro installation 

The geocoder can be found at the URL: 


To use it, you must first register the connection to the server:

Registre la connexió al servidor


Once the tool is chosen, just press the left button for a few seconds to display nearby addresses:



A window will open asking for username and password, you can close the window directly by clicking on the cross in the upper right corner, because the services are public and no registration is required.

Usuari i mot de pas


From this moment, the geocoder will appear in the catalog:

Accés al catàleg


And you just need to add it to the project:

Afegir-lo al projecte


Search for place names and addresses (direct geocoding)



Once the locator has been added to the project, in the Map tab we can choose the Locate option 




to open the geocoder window: 

Inspector d'adreçes

The user can choose to combine the ICGC Geocoder with others at his disposal, assigning them the necessary relative priorities.


Search on the map (reverse geocoding)

We can also do the search in the reverse direction: by marking a point on the map, the locator returns all the addresses that are closest. To do this, in the "Map" > "Locate" tab, you must choose the address inspector option: 

Inspector d'adreçes


Once the tool is chosen, just press the left button for a few seconds to display nearby addresses:

Adreçes properes al cursor