Dataset for the Land cover map (CatLC) | icgc

Dataset for the Land cover map (CatLC)

Complete set of images, aerial and satellite, for the creation of the Catalonia land cover map using Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques

CatLC is a complete set of images, aerial and satellite, for the creation of the Catalonia land cover map using Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques. The images contain data from the year 2018 at different frequencies and spatial resolutions.

All images in GeoTiff format are georeferenced at the same projection, WGS84 UTM31N, and covering the same geographical extension:

  • UTM X West: 240000.
  • UTM X East: 540000.
  • UTM Y North: 4780000.
  • UTM Y South: 4480000.


Use of Information

Logo CC BY 4.0
The use of data is subject to a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. 
More information

It contains Sentinel Copernicus data modified by the ICGC.

It is also requested that the methodologies and results obtained by the different scientific groups are shared with the ICGC through the e-mail:


Dataset description

The content of the dataset is detailed below:

  • Orthophoto RGB: Orthophoto with the 3 visible RGB channels at 1-meter spatial resolution.
  • Orthophoto Infrared: Infrared channel at 1-meter spatial resolution.
  • Sentinel-1: Monthly and annual composition of radar amplitude image at 10-meter spatial resolution.
  • Sentinel-2: 10-channel Sentinel-2 image composition for the months of April and August at 10-meter spatial resolution.
  • Topographic data
    • Aspect: Orientation angle of terrain slopes, in degrees, at 5-meter spatial resolution.
    • CHM: Digital elevation model of different elements of the terrain, vegetation and buildings for example, referred to the terrain surface at 1-meter spatial resolution.
    • DEM: Digital Elevation Model at 5-meter spatial resolution.
    • DSM: Digital Surface Model at 1-meter spatial resolution.
    • Slope: Terrain slope, in degrees, at 5-meter spatial resolution.
  • Land cover: 41-class land cover map created by ICGC at 1-meter spatial resolution. This layer can be used for training and validation when processing with different AI techniques.



Data can be directly downloaded from

Although, due to the big size of the files, we recommend to download it using an FTP client.

Server: | Username: descarregues01 | Password: descarregues01

Orthophoto (Orthophoto folder)

Sentinel-1 (S1 folder)

Sèrie temporal Sentinel-1

Sentinel-2 (S2 folder)

Topography (DEM folder)

ICGC Land cover map (Land cover folder)


Catalunya Land cover Dataset

Orthophoto RGBOrthophoto InfraredSentinel-1Sentinel-2 April
Sentinel-2 AugustAspectDigital Elevation ModelSlope
Digital Surface ModelCanopy Height ModelLand cover 

1Herbaceous crops22"Eixample"
2Orchard, plant nurseries and forced cultivation23Lax Urban Areas
3Vineyards24Isolated buildings in rural areas
4Olive groves25Isolated residential areas
5Other woody crops26Green areas
6Crops in transformation27Industrial or commercial
7Dense coniferous forests28Sports and leisure areas
8Dense deciduous forests29Mining or landfills
9Dense forests of sclerophylls30Areas in transformation
10Scrub31Road network
11Clear coniferous forests32Urban bare ground
12Clear deciduous forests33Airport areas
13Clear forests of sclerophylls34Railway network
14Meadows and grasslands35Port areas
15Shore forest36Reservoirs
16Bare forest soil37Lakes and lagoons
17Burned areas38Watercourses
19Beaches40Artificial channels
21Urban area0Out of border