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Recording aftershocks

From March 4 at 20h to March 9 at 10h, 2 accelerometers K2 were functioning in the field:

  • CMED, at the Club Mediterranée, near the beach and GAS
  • GPL of Izmourenne plant (figure 3 and photos 5 and 6)

During this period hundreds of aftershocks were recorded, the majority with M>3 and one of M=5 on March 7 at 6:38, the records and response spectrum of which are shown in Figures 4 and 5. The epicenter of this aftershock was located near the main earthquake according to the observed S-P arrival times in the accelerograms. It must be noticed that the most intense movement was recorded in the accelerometer most distant from the epicenter, near of Izemouren (GAS), located on quaternary sediments, with a maximum acceleration higher than 0.1g. The accelerometer CMED was located over limestone outcrops.

Figure 4. Recording of the earthquake 7th march 2004 of magnitude 5 in the GAS and CMED stations

Figure 4. Recording of the earthquake 7th march 2004 of magnitude 5 in the GAS and CMED stations

Figure 5. Response spectra of the 7th march 2004 earthquake.

Figure 5. Response spectra of the 7th march 2004 earthquake.

The arrival times of these recordings along with data from other institutions will be used to make precise localizations of the aftershocks.