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We want to acknowledge all the people and institutions that have contributed and helped to the accomplishment of this visit, and in a personal way to the following persons:

  • Mr. Jaume Miranda, Director of Institut Cartogràfic de Catalunya, for all the facilities of the fieldtrip.
  • Dr. Taj-Eddine Cherkaoui, del SPGM for supporting this field work and in particular for the topographic and geologic maps 1:50.000.
  • Mr.Haddour Horache, manager of the Urban Regional Agency of Taza-Al Hoceima, for the work meetings with the architects on the field works made by them and the ONG, Emergency Architects.
  • Mr. Mohammed Temsamani of the company Salam Gaz, and manager of the Club Mediterranée at Ajdir for the facilities given for the good operation of the accelerometers in their installations.
  • Drs. Stéphane Baize and Marc Cushing from IRSN (France), Dr. Philippe Combes from GEOTER and Dr. Jean Luc Morel, for the geologic and tectonic information about Rif.
  • Dr. Omar Ben Brahim del CNRM, for the epicentral information and the field observations,
  • Dr. A. Roca, head of Geological Survey of ICC and Dr. M. Masses, head of CRECIT for their support given to the expedition.
  • Dr. Teresa Susagna from ICC, for the support and quick processing of records.
  • Mr. Jorge Fleta (ICC), for the web and the spanish version of the text.
  • Mr. Vicenç Palà (ICC), for his help in gathering the satellite images.
  • Mrs. Janira Irizarry (ICC), for the translation and reviewing of the text.
  • Mrs. Natàlia Gallego (CRECIT) for the french version of the text.