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Post-processing - RINEX files

Downloading of the RINEX observation files of the GNSS stations of the CatNet network

About RINEX files

Geofons data server (ftp and https protocol) allows the download of 30 seconds daily RINEX files in version 3 (with observables from the constellations GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO and BEIDOU), for all those dates from June 5, 2017. 30 seconds daily RINEX files prior to this date can be downloaded in version 2, with different observables depending on the time and equipment installed at each station.

On this same Geofons server, 1 second RINEX files can also be downloaded, exclusively in version 3 (with observables from the constellations GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO and BEIDOU). These files are available for approximately one year from the date of observation.

The data is doubly compressed: a first Hatanaka compression and a final compression in binary format. Decompression tools can be downloaded from the rnxcmp directory.


The International GNSS Service publishes the documentation with the standards of the RINEX format for its different versions, for consultation and reference.


General structure

The files located at https://geofons.icgc.cat/rinex (version 2) and https://geofons.icgc.cat/rinex3 (version 3) are organized according to the structure:



  • Type:  Indicates whether RINEX files are daily or hourly ('diari_30s' or 'horari_1s', respectively)
  • RefData.YY:  Indicates the year in which the data in the RINEX file was recorded (eg: year 2009 would be YY = 09)
  • Month.MMM:  Indicates the month in which the data in the RINEX file was recorded (eg: Month.Jul would be July)
  • Day.DD:  Indicates the day on which the data in the RINEX file was recorded

The Geofons data repository with FTP protocol (ftp://geofons.icgc.cat) is now also accessible via the HTTPS protocol (https://geofons.icgc.cat)
1 second hourly files (RINEX 3)

With GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO and BEIDOU observables

30-second daily files (RINEX 3)

With GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO and BEIDOU observables

30-second daily files (RINEX 2)

With different observables depending on the time and equipment installed at each station

Nomenclature of RINEX version 3 files

The location and nomenclature of the files is done according to the structure:



  • XXXXMRCCC:  Name (XXXX), monument number (M), receiver number (R) and ISO country code (CCC).
  • S:  Source of data (receiver,  stream  or unknown) for the generation of observations.
  • YYYYDDDHHMM:  Starting of data contained in the file (YYYY: year; DDD; day of the year; HH: hour; MM: minute).
  • PPU:  Nominal period (PP) and units (U) (minutes, hours, days, years or not specified) of the data in the file.
  • DDU:  Log interval (DD) and units (U) (hertz, minutes, hours days, years or not specified) of the data in the file.
  • TT:  Type of data contained in the file (GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, Mixed, Navigation…).
  • FFF:  File format (RINEX: rnx, Hatanaka: crx…).
  • CCC:  File Compression (gz…).
  • XXXXMRCCC: Nom (XXXX), número del monument (M), número del receptor (R) i codi ISO de país (CCC).
  • S: Font de les dades (receptor, stream o desconegut) per la generació de les observacions.
  • YYYYDDDHHMM: Inici de les dades contingudes al fitxer (YYYY: any; DDD; dia de l'any; HH: hora; MM: minut).
  • PPU: Període nominal (PP) i unitats (U) (minuts, hores, dies, anys o no especificat) de les dades del fitxer.
  • DDU: Interval de registre (DD) i unitats (U) (hertzs, minuts, hores dies, anys o no especificat) de les dades del fitxer.
  • TT: Tipus de dades contingudes al fitxer (GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, Mixed, Navigation…).
  • FFF: Format del fitxer (RINEX: rnx, Hatanaka: crx…).
  • CCC: Compressió del fitxer (gz…).

Note: Navigation files can be downloaded from the daily files directory. There are as many files as constellations tracked by each station.


Nomenclature of RINEX version 2 files

The location and nomenclature of the files is done according to the structure:



  • SSSS:  CatNet network station identifier.
  • DDD:  Day of the year when the data in the RINEX file was recorded (the ' Timesys ' tool can be used for conversion).
  • X:  For 30-second daily files, this character takes the '0' value. For 1-second hourly files, this character takes a value between 'A' and 'X', according to the hour of the day (A: 0:00; B: 1:00, C: 2:00 … W: 22:00; X: 23:00).
  • YY:  Year in which the data in the RINEX file was recorded.
  • T:  Indicates whether the file is for observations (RINEX: 'o', Hatanaka: 'd'), GPS ephemeris ('n') or GLONASS ephemeris ('g').
  • Z:  Indicates that it is a file with binary compression.

Note: Navigation files can be downloaded from the daily files directory. There are as many files as constellations tracked by each station.