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The different rock types that have been represented in the geological map constitute the called cartographic units. Each one is represented in the map by a different color and an epigraph that identifies them. The characteristics of each unit are explained on the legend.

Description of the colors and codes of the legend

The most frequent rocks in Catalonia

Sedimentary rock


Symbolization on the map and photographic type of conglomerate
Symbolization on the map and photography type of sandstone
Symbolization on the map and lutite type photography

Non detrital: carbonatic

Symbolization on the map and type photograph of marl
Symbolization on the map and photograph type of limestone

Non detrital: evaporitic

Symbolization on the map and gypsum type photography
Symbolization on the map and type of salt photography

Non detrital: organic

Symbolization on the map and type photograph of coal

Igneous rock

Symbolization on the map and photography type of granite

Symbolization on the map and basalt type photography

Metamorphic rock

Symbolization on the map and shale type photography
Symbolization on the map and typical photography of quartzite
Symbolization on the map and marble type photography
Symbolization on the map and gneis type photography

The most frequent fossils in Catalonia

The most frequent fossils in Catalonia are foraminifera (Oligocene - Lower Cretaceous Age). Sections seen under the microscope
The most common fossils in Catalonia are brachiopods, bivalves, cephalopods and hemichordates (Paleozoic to Miocene Age)