UTM Grids
Grids of 1x1 km and 10x10 km, for species distribution and other purposes
Grids of different resolutions (1x1 km, 10x10 km, etc.) that express the UTM coordinates of Catalonia (ETRS89 zone 31 North) according to the Military Grid Reference System (MGRS), of the style “31TCG213911”.
Among other purposes, this dataset serves the following tasks:
Georeference the distribution of flora and fauna species, and make abundance index calculations and calculations of the population size of a species in squares in a specific space.
Georeference the distribution of ecosystem services (a result of the proper functioning of ecosystems and that are useful for the well-being of society).
Georeference the distribution of change factors or environmental pressures on habitats and species of fauna and flora.
Facilitate spatial planning related to biodiversity conservation (green infrastructure, high natural value agroramadero systems, ecological connectivity ...).
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