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Monitoring of deformations related to geological risks due to mass movements in heavily anthropized areas

MOMPA is a European project, co-financed by the Interreg V Program in Spain-France-Andorra (POCTEFA) 2014-2020 (https://mompa.eu), which seeks to monitor deformations related to geological risks due to earthquakes. as a fundamental action for prevention in heavily anthropized areas.

The participating partners intend to tackle this problem by making instability maps to continuously evaluate the potential impact on the most vulnerable elements. In areas that are most sensitive to their high risk, thresholds will be set and protocols for action for civil protections will be defined. The purpose is to improve the capacity of the actors in the territory to anticipate and respond to specific risks and to the management of natural disasters. An example is the landslide of the Meeting Point of Andorra.

Rock falls on August 10, 2019 (Punt de Trobada, Andorra)

MOMPA at a glance

  • Title: MOnitoring of Land Movements and Protocol Action (MOMPA)
  • Financing: 395.376,80 €
  • FEDER contribution: 245.293,92 € (65% of the cost)
  • Start date: 01/12/2019
  • End date: 31/05/2022
  • Consortium: 4 sponsors from 3 countries
    Spain-Catalonia: Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya, Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya
    France: Centre d'études et d'expertise sur les risques, l'environnement, la mobilité et l'aménagement
    Andorra: Institut d'Estudis Andorrans
  • Coordination: Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya 
  • Website: https://mompa.eu
  • Program: EU-funded project (Interreg V-A España-Francia-Andorra, POCTEFA 2014-2020)

Expected results

  • Maps of tracking the movements of the terrain in areas of Alt Urgell, Cerdanya, Capcir, Conflent and Andorra.Instability maps by means of cartographic delimitation of the movement zones.Risk assessment of the elements exposed to the identified ground movements.
  • Risk assessment of the elements exposed to the identified ground movements.
  • Definition of protocols of action in support of the actions of civil protections.

Technical actions of the project

Action 1 - Coordination

All technical activities and communication between partners will be coordinated to ensure optimum project execution.

Action 2 - Communication activities

Promote an active policy of communication and transfer of the results obtained in the monitoring, risk assessment and the methodology used. The dissemination is articulated through the project's website, social networks, scientific publications and seminars with local agents and the media.

Action 3 - Monitoring of mass movements

The results of this action are the basis for the development of actions 4 and 5. The monitoring is based on the technique of DInSAR differential interferometry analysis of satellite images. Medium (Sentinel) and high resolution (TerraSAR-X) images will be used to map the terrain at regional and local levels. The results will include a semi-automatic extraction of geological phenomena associated with the active zones from the most significant active areas (ADAs) and the parameters of velocity and deformation.

Action 4 - Risk analysis associated with mass movements

The purpose of this action is to assess the risk of the elements potentially affected by the geological phenomena associated with the active zones (ADA) detected in action 3. A detailed cartographic delimitation will be performed and the analysis of the potential damage of the elements in risk taken from the BT5M of the ICGC.

Action 5 - Protocol of action

In representative or especially sensitive cases thresholds of pre-alert or of alert of the movements will be established through kinematic mechanisms and of the temporary dynamics of the movement, as well as the methodological development for the incorporation in protocols of action of the civil protections.

Tasks of the ICGC

ICGC participates in all actions, being responsible for action 4.

The main actions are aimed at the following tasks:

  • Cartographic delimitation and assessment of the danger of active phenomena. 
  • Identification and assessment of the elements at risk. 
  • Development of a tool for automatic risk mapping based on the inventory and assessment of the vulnerable elements and the danger of mass movements.