[Start of transcription] Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya ContextMaps is a worldwide base that includes the cartography of the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia. The government map makers for Catalonia and the OpenStreetMap geometries for the rest of the world. It is a base with vector tiles that has all the benefits of this new Technology. This new method of transmitting information for the internet. Depending on the zoom level chosen vector Maps uses certain geometries and updates and stylize them with certain colors. Beyond the base we have generated this tool that allows for a number of functionalities on the base. Open the drop-down menu, here we have a series of styles for this tool. We are now viewing the style of the topographic map of the Institute. A base that wants to be a hybrid to be able to travel. Here we have the area of Sagrada família temple, and in this sense we have the advantages of the hybrid base. Another shade, in this case dark, so as to prioritize the geometries leaving the user impressed. In addition to the consumption of these predefined styles Instamaps allows the user to create his or her own style, that's this second tab. Here, the geographic information has been standardized and defined in a series of items that we can consume. We can change the background to give it a darker tonality perhaps looking for an ideal tone. We can touch up the vegetation, we can increase the green, maybe this style of green. We can come here in the area of the rivers. We can go to the hydrography and also raise this color. It doesn't have to be so bright we're seeking a balance of colors. The margins of the road in the base are now gray. We can touch them up to make them a very striking color, and in this case we will raise the red if we want to emphasize this layer. We will make the buildings darker. We can stylize the diferent elements. Railroads, boundaries... which can be turned off if we don't want to see them for now, or the same place names. Here we have the style that we have just generated. From ContextMaps we can also bring this stylisation to the Maputnik tool, open code to further adjust the stylization itself based on the ContextMaps base. In this third tab we can export the link to this map. We need to generate links here and retrieve those links from here. In this case the URL that would take us to a clear view finder. In this way of the information set also because it is a global base. We can go forward and we can go backward. And with the iframe we can place this same map within a web as a window. And the set of the service that includes both vector tiles and the style that we have just pregenerated. Note that we can also load a style that has already been generated in this tool before downloading the file. Thank you for Watching! Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya, 2019. [End of transcription]